How old were you...

...when Treasure Planet came out? I haven't done one of these "How old were you with this movie came out?" topics before expect for the one in Brother Bear and I know there's still a lot of TP fans out there after these great 6 years have passed. I was 13 years old when this movie came out back in 2002, I used to have a huge crush on Jim but it lasted for about a year and faded out for me, but I still love the movie. I'm 19 now.

Anyone else?

"I'M NOT DYING YOU IDIOT!" Best line ever in Kung Fu Panda LMAO!


I was 13 and convinced my parents to buy it against their will. (The same parents, BTW, who bought the sequels to 101 Dalmatians and HoND of their own accord.)

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I would have been 14 when it came out, but I was 15 when I first saw it... and I had a crush on Silver! Not kidding! I'm not sure what it is about him. He's still my favorite character, though.


I was 12 when it came out and 12 when I saw it. I'm 17 now, but I still think Jim's kinda cute. In a rebelling sorta way.



I was 10, I'm 16 now and I haven't seen this movie in like 3 years. *runs out to rent it again* lol such a fantastic movie


I was four when the movie came out. I'm ten now.


I was nine going on ten when the movie came out, and now I'm 15 going on 16

And I will get him back even as he gloats. In the meantime I'll practice on less honorable throats!


I was eleven when this movie came out, and it was my absolutely favorite movie for about three years.

I'm eighteen now, and it's still one of my top favorites. I thought Jim was just the coolest character ever. I wasn't exactly a "crush" kind of girl, I just thought he was awesome.

Knowledge is power. Power corrupts.
Study hard. Be evil.


Let's see... musta been 7 or 8.
I went to see it on my birthday, in February, with all my friends who i haven't seen in years:( which would have made me...8!!!
Awwww! I loved this film! Still do! It's prob. in my top 10 of non-Burton films (and my top 3 for disney) simply 'coz of all the memories!

This is one of the 3 films i've seen in the cinemas more than once - the other 2 being HP2 (meh) and Mamma Mia (shudder!!!)


I was 10 but I dont think I saw the film till I was 11 maybe 12. Lol I went to Disney, Florida for the first time when I was ten and I had my picture taken with Jim and B.E.N despite the fact that I had no clue who they were I remember going back to my mum after the photo and saying "Who are they supposed to be?"

. . .Good times

Theres gotta be somebody for me out there - Nickelback


dang im starting to feel bad for not liking this movie now. I was 7, I'm going on 14 now.


I was about six or seven, give or take. I'm 15 now.

"... well, I have a microphone and you don't, SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DAMN WORD I HAVE TO SAY!"


I was 12, I actually remember going to an IMAX theater for a school trip to see it and I loved it.

"Hey, Foreman your mama's so fat, that when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up."


I was 11 when it came out, but had no interest in seeing it. Saw it for the first time this yr (im almost 18), and absolutely loved it. Bought the DVD as soon as it was on sale! You gotta love disney. :)

‘I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me.’ :P


I'm 16 now and was 9 when it came out. I also had a huge crush on Jim! Shamefully I had more crushes on animated people then I would like to admit.

The whores and politicians will look up and shout "save us!" and I'll look down and whisper "no."


16-- nearly 17.

Indeed he has no improper pride. He is perfectly amiable. - P&P


i was 9, but i didn't see it until now!


I was eight, and I didn't like it. Then it came on Disney Channel about three years ago and I could finally appreciate it.

it would suck to die while trying to get the cheese



I was 10 haha. I had a huge crush on Jim too and I still do!(I'm 17 now) There's the obvious bad-boy angsty rebel charm that all 10-15 year-old girls fall for, but he was also such a good boy - what made him so endearing was how much he loved and respected his mom! :)

"I hope I'm there, catching some of the light comin' off ya that day." ~Silver, Treasure Planet


I was 43, and I never saw the entire film until today. I'm 50.

I loved it.
