MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > The bullets make no sense (different ang...

The bullets make no sense (different angle)

I've talked previously about how the 'bullet angles' make no sense, because for them to be able to be in the position they are in, when Neo slows them to a halt, and to come from the angles shown, the agents would have had to have crouched and moved to the left and to the right and all kinds of weird places to shoot from - there's literally no way, even in The Matrix, that without some 'One'-like manipulation, three guys aiming straight at Neo, the bullets would have had those trajectories.

However, this time I want to point out how fast bullets are.

Think about it - WHAT distance can one bullet travel in one tenth of a second? The agents shoot 'pretty slowly', when you think about that. The bullets don't leave their guns even CLOSE to normal speed, so Neo must have slowed them down CONSIDERABLY before the first bullet even leaves the gun, so what's even the point of all those dramatics, to let them move in the air ever-so-slowly and then stop? He could've slowly walked out of their way, but because Morpheus said 'you won't have to' earlier, Neo can't do that.

I mean, it's literally impossible to fire a gun in real life (or even within the rules of The Matrix) fast enough to have MULTIPLE BULLETS in the air before they are slowed down by something - for them to all have been fired AND THEN slowed down, the agents would've had to have shot multiple bullets within a TINY FRACTION of a second, which is OBVIOUSLY not the case here.

So since Neo slowed down the bullets LONG before any of the bullets left the guns, it almost seems like a pointless scene - those super slow (compared to normal speed) bullets would not have been dangerous even to a toddler, so all that hand waving and showing the impossibly-angled bullets slowing down to a halt was pretty much unnecessary, since they NEVER slowed down from the 'original bullet speed', but from 'already SUPER slow speed to an even slower speed and then stop'.

How could the agents think those slow bullets could hurt Neo and keep firing them? With THEIR super fast reflexes, they should've seen from the FIRST bullet they shot that it's moving ridiculously slowly and thus can't hurt Neo, so they should already by then tried something different, not kept doing what OBVIOUSLY could not even work, and then sloooowly lower their arms - as if they could've shot bullets into those different positions from that ONE POSE anyway -..

There's just SO much wrong with this kind of movies, I don't get why the makers of the movies never seem to think things through.

The scene is, of course, visually impressive, 'very satisfying' in many ways and one of the most iconic and classic movie scenes in movie history so far, but it, like so many others, does NOT hold water under careful examination.

Sad, but those bullets really make no sense in this movie.


Shut the fuck up


The Wacotchi Sisters should correct this in their 25th anniversary


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


I am The Matrix


I am The Matrix
