The Gun Rack betrays the effect - and it makes no sense
Or maybe the effect betrays reality?
In any case, when an actor walks next to something that's moving towards them at fast speed, their self-preservation instinct would NEVER let them waltz as slowly and casually as Trinity does. Look at how PERFECT her timing is in her casual stroll, 0.01 seconds slower and she'd be CRUSHED by the approaching gun rack.
This betrays that the actor was never REALLY in any danger, she didn't REALLY perceive anything moving towards her at a great speed, it's just like in so many movies with 'cool effects shots' (certain 'prequels', ahem ahem), where the actors have NO IDEA what the 'effect guys' are going to put there later on, so they CAN'T REACT organically.
If you look the contrast and incongruency between Trinity's slow, casual, carefree stroll, and the gun racks that are approaching super fast (certainly fast enough to kill anyone that gets in the way, since remember, the mind makes it real..), you can realize the actor/character feels/expresses NO danger, because there IS NO DANGER.
Now, you can of course try to explain this flimsily by saying they're not yet in The Matrix, or that Trinity has done it many times so she has mastered the timing or she trusts Tank so much or whatnot, but I say it's just SO STUPID to make a 'cool shot' instead of giving them a USEFUL MENU, the kind you see in games, where you can easily select weapons and ammo and whatnot, instead of having to walk like 27 kilometers between super long walls, trying to find JUST the right aisle to select the gun you want.
I mean, what the heck makes any sense about how Tank decides to give them weapons?
I know I have talked about this gun rack-thing before, but it's just so ridiculous on so many levels, I just had to mention more points about it. AT LEAST make Trinity scared for her life and jump a bit.
Think about anyone of sound mind and body, that stands or slowly walks on a street, then 20 trucks are suddenly approaching very fast - would they just stroll casually like Trinity does, or would their life-preservation INSTINC take over and make them run/jump/scream/gasp/something?!