"The only way to fly" makes no sense
Think about bees. It took a long time before the so-called 'science' called 'aerodynamics' adapted vortices into what can create a lift and so on. For a long time, it was a scientific fact that bees can't fly because their wings are too small or something like that.
Now, think about all the insects, birds, even pterodactyls, if you wish. Think about aeroplanes from the 1800s, and afterwards all the way to stealth fighters and drones of modern times.
Think about radio-controlled helicopters and airplanes, doing '3D' (in their lingo, this means certain types of tricks), think about parachuting, hang-gliding, jetpacks, parasailing.
Think about those water-based 'local jetpacks' that generate lift.
How about the beamships and other spacecraft and drones made on other planets, usually called 'UFOs' for the lack of a better term (they are not usually very well identified).
Then there are things like flight simulators and games, VR experiences of many kinds. There are lots of videos from the pilot's perspective.
Bipedal entities have always wanted to fly, and thus have constructed methods of reaching that dream, or at least reaching towards 'flying'. This means, there are MULTIPLE ways to fly, especially if you are a bit loose on the definition of 'flying'. What else is parachuting and bungee jumping but one way to attempt to fulfill this dream, however clumsily and in a short-lived way?
You can also do OOBE, fly in your dreams, you can lucid dream and of course fly as much as you want in the astral world when you are not in a physical body.
Also, taking some drug is NOT flying by any means. How is Mescaline 'the only way to fly'? It's not flying AT ALL! If THAT is flying, then what isn't?
You can of course 'fly' just as much with so many other drugs if you are stupid enough to indulge such substances that damage your body and brain invariably. But you can also 'fly' just by meditation, which is healthy way of experiencing all kinds of things, but even then, you have to be careful not to open your kundalini, or you can damage yourself more deeply than just the physical side.
You can fly in your imagination, you can fly in your daydreams, you can fly by immersing yourself in a game or video... besides what I listed, there must be a dozen more ways.
What kind of sense does it make to say that 'Mescaline is the only way to fly', when it has nothing to do with flying? HOW do these people define 'flying'?
Also, Neo flies JUST FINE in the end of the movie without any Mescaline, so even this movie itself proves its own dialogue WRONG.