MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > Neo was the laziest epmloyee ever...

Neo was the laziest epmloyee ever...

He has NO files on his desk. His boss has just given him the speech about being part of the team. And when he goes back to his station and the agents are after him, his computer isn't even on. Laziest piece of shit ever. Not one file open on his desk. What a prick. His PC screen isn't even on yet.



He might have been napping. The bright light of the monitor would have disturbed his sleep.


The bright light from his monitor that isn't on? Help me out here!


I'm saying that's why it wasn't on.


Ugh, you aren't helping being all reasonable like that. I am trying to stay awake for Game of Thrones, but it's only airing in 2 hours where I live. Meh


We're on the same countdown. 1:40


Yup! Same!


The battle for winterfell is this Sunday! Whoo! ⚔🏹🛡


90s slacker yo.


LOL not to mention when he asks "why me ?!?" when federal agents are chasing him...



This always bothered me, I think they should've at least shown his computer be turned on, lazy moviemakers. There's no way Thomas Anderson would be THAT lazy, he would get caught so quickly - he JUST had a talking to, does he want to be fired? You'd think he'd do everything from now on to not get fired, but nope, not even turning on the monitor, let alone computer and monitor..

About the agents-inquiry; maybe he wants to know in detail, WHICH crime they want him for, so he can assess the seriousness of the situation.

Also, technically, they're not CHASING him - they're just trying to LOCATE him - they don't know he's trying to escape or run away or anything, so a chase has not begun (and never does).

Chasing also requires FOLLOWING to take place, and there's usually some sort of high speed involved. The agents didn't know where Neo was, so they couldn't have been following him, and they were clearly WALKING, not running, there was absolutely NO CHASE going on.

"chase verb (FOLLOW) B2 [ I or T ] to hurry after someone or something in order to catch him, her, or it: The police car was going so fast, it must have been chasing someone."


How can you accuse someone ELSE of being lazy, when you don't even bother correct your typo about 'employee'?

Alternatively, WHAT THE HECK is 'epmloyee'?!


Ok, I seriously LOL'd at this! Well done!


He was like Peter from Office Space!
