MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > What is that orange/yellowish/brownish p...

What is that orange/yellowish/brownish patch on Neo's chest...

...when the machine is lifting Neo out of the water shortly after being 'unplugged' and then flushed from the Matrix? For 18 years that has bugged me, and hopefully someone has an answer.

To see what I'm talking about:


Maybe its ginger chest hair?


it was called the hydra-link in the novel adaptation.


Wait, novel?


...and what is it?


I wrote it off as a biological thingy - like either some blood pooled there, or maybe he had a sort of exo-skin on swimming in the GOO. could be anything really, and is not important to the plot in any way


The problem is: "not important."

Then why bother put it there?


"not important to the plot"

there's tons and tons and TONS of details in every visual movie. they are there, they just is, doesn't always have to be important to the plot.


Excellent point. In fact, those details are often the things that, I think, push movies above "the herd". The fact that the Nebuchadnezzar feels like an actual ship where people really live are down to these details. It helps the movie feel real, even though it's obviously just sets.


"Details" is the key word, not put a big patch on the lead actor in center of the frame.

When everyone see that, they would be unplug from movie thinking "What is that? Would it be explain later?"


other than the OP's post here, I've never heard of anyone mentioning or caring anything about that patch since 1999 when it was released. sure, there probably was some out there, but wasn't enough to bother over it.

reviewing my 4k disc, to my eyes, it CLEARLY looks like an area of pooling blood (probably water and other gunk he fell into) gathering around one of the wired holes in his chest, probably bleeding from the violent ride and his initial release.

Alternatively, it kind looks like it could be a patch of GUNK that you see floating on top of the water he falls into, got mixed up in the pick up.

It also could have been an after thought in production design for the scene: "His chest looks awfully pasty white in the lift scene.... let's put some bloods or juice on it to add more dirt and grime to his situation."

Maybe it is just another movie glitch... something that happened by accident on set, and everyone assumed it was correct. Movie detailing is very hard.
Quoting the movie, "What does that mean?" "It doesn't mean anything."
Still unaffecting the plot in any way.


I didn't notice it in theater, but when DVD release, I noticed it and alwasy bother me.

"wired holes in his chest"

No, Neo has no hole in middle of chest.

"a patch of GUNK that you see floating on top of the water he falls into, got mixed up in the pick up."

No, I don't see any gunk floating on water.


when he slide down that shoot after being rejected, he falls out of the tube, into a pool/river of water or waste, and there is lots of segments of stuff floating

3:58 mark


It's impossible the gunk can stick to human skin, because he is falling too fast, if the gunk is that stickly, why just stick to chest? Why not all over the body?


this is how much it doesn't matter to the plot :)


Machine semen




For some reason I always thought this was a leaf or something floating in the water that got stuck to him on the way up. Never occurred to me that it might have been something machine-related... That makes more sense, though...
