Jake Gyllenhaal's performance
I will always remember Jake Gyllenhaal for his endearing, inspiring performance in this film, much more than any other roles he's been in (with the exception of his role as Jack Twist in "Brokeback Mountain," my second favorite film of his!). It's hard to believe that this was long before he was even a household name!
What I also thought was interesting was how his Southern/Midwestern dialect and line delivery sounded very similar to that which he would later use in "Brokeback Mountain!" For instance, when he says "I'm going to run right over you you son of a bitch!" at the beginning of the film during the football tryouts, it sounds similar to the way he angrily tells his father in law "Sit down you old son of a bitch!" in "Brokeback Mountain" during the Thanksgiving scene. Likewise, when he (as Homer Hickam) says "Like minin' coal" when arguing with his dad, it sounded similar to how he (as Jack Twist) tells Ennis "Every four f*#@ing years?!" in "Brokeback." Also, when Homer's fighting with his dad before leaving for the National Science Fair, it almost seems to be foreshadowing Jack Twist fighting with Ennis during their last trip on Brokeback!
On a side note, the blue denim shirt and jeans that Homer wears when heading down to the coal mine looks almost exactly like that which he would later wear as Jack Twist!