Overall I think this movie does a pretty good job at introducing movie watchers to the Wing Commander universe. Despite some script/special effects problems which to be honest if your a real fan you see past and look on the movie as a whole.
Addressing some of the above comments:
The Kilrathi Hair thing, Well we have different breeds of cat on earth some with hair some without. Maybe there are different breeds within the Kilrathi a bit like planet of the apes sorta thing, but you'd have expected to at least see one of the sort we've seen in the games cut scenes (though the games ones reminded me of the Honey Monster).
The denying a dead persons existence thing, that was more a personal demon with devereux since she lost her parents at a young age and was raised in an orphanage and was explained as such in the movie, therefore anyone that died didnt exist.
Bigotry will exist no matter where you go in time, its been happening for thousands of years on earth, why not still 600 and odd years in the future?
On the gravity thing, I think there was supposed to be some sort of gravity plating on that forward deck hence why the fighters dip down a bit when leaving and i didnt see the vehicle that scraped her off the side using anything to stay down, though this never happened in the game :P But also bear in mind that they were in a system full of planets and asteroids some concievably large enough to have their own gravity.
Fighters running out of fuel:- Well the carrier in time of war wouldnt stay stationary unless it really had to (We saw the skipper missile and a stationary target makes for an easy kill), hence fighters would have to circle in order to land. Also there are asteroids moving all over the place so keeping moving to avoid these would also explain. Sorry common sense answered this one.
Though I really liked this movie, they obviously threw alot of money at it and boy it shows, nice effects excellent CGI , and the acting was pretty decent, very good cast, alot of British actors whom will be recogniseable from normal TV here in the UK all of whom acted their parts well.
I'd really hope that Origin Systems decides to make sequels to this continuing the history of the WC universe, would be nice to have a different type of Sci-fi on screen other than Star Trek, which seems to have had its day for now.