Old. Shock value has long gone
Except for immature frat boys still living in the 90s
Black rappers reclaimed this word back from retarded neo Nancie's decades ago
Except for immature frat boys still living in the 90s
Black rappers reclaimed this word back from retarded neo Nancie's decades ago
Uhuh. If you're a white guy I suggest you go to a black neighborhood, throw the 'n' word around, and let us know what happens. See if you can reclaim it.
shareWait, you can get attacked/killed over a word in a country that has freedom of speech? Do people not understand how a society works?
shareLol. I'm free to call you a "fuckhead". But if I do, I wouldn't expect you to kiss me.
shareSo are you condoning breaking the law to take away someones right to exercise their freedom of speech? And is that supposed to make those people seem better? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA people who would seek violence of a word. GOOD LORD. You're stating evidence of why they are dangerous and can't follow and abide societies rules and belong behind bars, dead from resisting, or sent back!
shareWho are "they"?
Free speech has consequences. If you don't want to deal with the consequences, STFU.
In a society breaking the law, is NOT a consequence of exercising your freedom of speech, except to an uncivilized animal who doesn't belong in said society. We've all agreed to defend each others rights, not hinder them. Let that community know that.
shareBullshit. The 'n' word is an insult. If you insult people, expect a bad reaction.
shareCalling someone an SOB is an insult. Accosting a black person with anti-black hate speech is harassment & threatening behavior in a time where targeted anti-black mass killings by white supremacist extremists are still taking place in society. It's something an uncivilized animal who doesn't belong is said society would do.
shareSo, by that rationale...any white person that uses the 'N' word in a black neighbourhood, is proven correct?
Congratulations black people (on being everything that people fear about you)
No, what the OP said is just not true IN THE REAL WORLD.
If you go to somebody's house and insult them, don't expect a warm welcome.
I'm merely saying if you think the word is no longer considered offensive to blacks, call a random black guy "my n****r", and see what happens.
You can't weasel your way out of it now. The violent means to a word says a lot about you and black culture.
shareSet my people free!!!
Like white folks never get violent when they're insulted. 🤣
Call me (or anyone in my neighbourhood) 'white' or 'cracker' (or any/all variation on my skin colour) and the outcome will always be the same.
With blacks, it's always about the *thiness* of their skin (not the colour)
Whats confusing you about this?
If you insult a person of any color in some way that is incredibly hurtful to that person , they "might" attack you for it.
nobody is saying that would be legal.
For a white guy like you maybe it would be saying that Michael Bolton is gay or something.
Are you saying theres nothing that will start a fight an all white redneck cowboy bar?
That anyone can walk in and say what they want and the reply will be
"well goddam . i respect your right to free speech" ??
So fragile. Why are they like this?
Considering how often the N" word is thrown around in the black community as well probably every rap song written, isn't it sort of hypocritical for the black community to frown upon this??
shareI think black folks use it tongue-in-cheek because it was used against them as a symbol of hate for centuries. It's their word now and that's their business. A white person using it doesn't understand the irony of a black person reclaiming it.
I dunno, as white people, when we say it, we're expressing racial hostility. Don't expect a black person to be cool with it.
Seriously? Try saying "nigger" anywhere in public and see if there's still any shock value.