MovieChat Forums > Desperation (2006) Discussion > Stop making King movies

Stop making King movies

How many of you would agree that King's books should not be adapted to film.
King's books are filled with too much information that cannot be crammed into two hours, even mini series cannot put in all the specifics so the watcher will know why certain things happen in the book or why this person is going through thus situation. Seldom, movies writers can give a backstory of how something got possessed or why this person is the protaganist.
I just think his short stories would be good for a movie



The quality of Stephen's writing started to go downhill around the same time he quit the drugs and booze.


Bad books make bad movies so no one should be surprised.


Carrie was good. The Shining was too, but I have read that the movie is far from King's book.

All the others that I have seen have been bad. Maximum Overdrive, Firestarter, Pet Sematery, Children of the Corn, Christine, Dreamcatcher, Cujo, The Lawnmower man, and IT were all poorly executed on film.

The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, and Dolores Claiborne were good, but they were dramas, not horror movies.

I know I haven't seen them all, but the OP is right - the vast majority of King stories seem to be much better bookwise than moviewise.


For The Shining, it is because Kubrick's film is so different to the book that makes the adaptation so damn good. The more faithful miniseries was a forgettable joke. But yes, other than that the best King adaptations are the non-horrors.
