Recent comedies this funny ?

It's definitely one of my fav comedies of all time. I can still remember laughing so hard I was crying in the theater, the hardest I've ever laughed in a theater. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble thinking of comedies which are comparable in the level of laughter since this. I certainly know I haven't laughed nearly that hard since TSAM.

When I ask people this same question one of the most commonly named movies is The Hangover, which I think is horribly overrated. To me, that only shows how starving people are for great comedies these days.

So, what are your choices for movies of the past 10yrs which are just as funny as There's Something About Mary ?


I've seen every retarded ass Seth Rogen movie and many Will Ferrell movies, and the comedic zeitgeist has definitely shifted for the worse. The random, silly and politically incorrect humor of movies like this one and the heyday of The Simpsons are gone.

I like Dumb & Dumber To, but mostly out of nostalgia. It wasn't really that funny. Other than that, I can't think of a movie in the past ten years that's made me laugh without irony.

A few funny ones I can think of after TSAM (though nowhere near the same league) are Bringing Down the House (2003) and My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

I notice your English gets better when you want something.


Try Misfits (2009)

It's black (like say Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998), and raunchy humor (on par with There's Something About Mary (1998))

And it's absolutely brilliant. At least the first three seasons.

It`s far easier to start a war than to end one.


That's a comedy ? It sounds like Heroes.


Well, yes. Or perhaps a parody (on so many different levels) would be a more accurate term. An intelligent one though. Nothing like Scary Movie (2000) type parodies (which I honestly find stupid, and therefore boring).

You can compare it with Megamind (2010) too, but with a much darker and raunchier humor. And to a certain extent I think the humor is better than There's Something About Mary, once you get used to it.

It`s far easier to start a war than to end one.


Have you tried Walk Hard? A great movie with hysterical/historical music references throughout the movie. And the music is pretty good, too.


I'e seen that and others by Judd Apatow. They're pretty funny. Remember..they're rated R with a capitol R, just like "TSAM" is...oohh la la..remember Judd's first, "40 year old Virgin"? :)


I'm not a fan of comedy, BUT ... I like a level of sophistication, I guess. I enjoyed 30 Rock a lot.
As far as movies go, what about Anchorman? I'm not a Will Ferrell fan, but like Adam Sandler, you can probably pick one movie that actually works for you, so I'm nominating Anchorman.

Although I should admit I haven't seen TSAM, as, like I said, I'm not big on comedy, and neither Ben Stiller nor Cam Diaz really appeal to me. I'll bet it's funny, I just haven't taken the time. I did like the movie with Ben, the other Arquette girl and Tea Leone. That was pretty goofy.


Bruno and Borat make me LOL. And I've never watched an episode of Impractical Jokers without LOLing either, though off-topic.


2016 response to your question: nope
2023 response to your question: nope


No hard feelings was quite funny


Since this movie was, at best, mildly amusing in a few parts, I sure hope there have been funnier movies made in the last decade.
