Favorite Wes Anderson Movies
What are yours in order? I'm going to start watching most of his movies, so your posts will help me decide what to get. Thanks
What are yours in order? I'm going to start watching most of his movies, so your posts will help me decide what to get. Thanks
Rushmore is definitely my favorite.
Maybe The Grand Budapest second and Bottle Rocket third.
1. Moonrise Kingdom
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. The Darjeeling Limited
5. Rushmore
6. The Grand Budapest Hotel
7. Bottle Rocket
8. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
The Grand Budapest Hotel - 10/10 (top 20)
The Royal Tenenbaums - 10/10 (top 50)
Rushmore - 10/10 (top 50)
Moonrise Kingdom - 9.5/10 (top 100)
The Fantastic Mr. Fox - 9/10
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou-8/10
The Darjeeling Limited - 8/10
Bottle Rocket-6/10
I know I've already posted in this topic before, but that was quite some time ago.
I generally like Wes Anderson's films, except for The Life Aquatic, which still leaves me a bit empty.
I know this is an old topic too, but for anyone who may read it and be considering the same thing... Wes Anderson's filmography is still short enough and consistent enough to be watched in order of release. There's no need to skip around. it'll be fun just trust me
1. Rushmore
2. Bottle Rocket
3. The Grand Budapest
4. The Life Aquatic
5. Fantastic Mr Fox
6. Moonrise Kingdom
7. The Royal Tenenbaums
8. The Darjeeling Unlimited