Lori beth always knew!!

Did anyone else notice that Lori Beth would amazingly get the answer alot of the time. And she say sumtin like. "O...geez...I dont know is it....A eddible dog toy?" Yes thats right!!"No..no way" Sorry I remember that from a long time ago and it always seemed like she was cheating to me.



I just recently saw a rerun of this show on Nick GAS where the girl's talent was that she collected great white shark teeth.

and their clue was toothpaste; on lori beth's turn she wanted to use sarcastic remark she said, "well clearly, you collect great white shark teeth!"; just randomnly and out of the blue!! What a coincidence! it was so funny and i actually now remember seeing that episode when it originally aired in 1997-1998. Now whenever i go to my dads house i always try to catch the figure it out reruns on GAS whenever i can, i love lori beth!




I think sometimes they all knew but just pretended like they didn't.

I never had the friends like I did when I was 12. Jesus, does anyone?


Haha! I'm watching that episode right now! Its hilarious. Seriously...Lori Beth freakishly knew ALL THE TIME.


I think Lori Beth knew because she was told beforehand.



Another thing that lori beth always did was when some one got slimed, she ALWAYS got off her chair and moved to the corner! I don't know why, but every time I see her do that on re-runs it ticks me off. And She rarley ever got slimed....its almost liked she's sceared of it..lol


I rememeber one time, she just randomly called out the answer! "Dog drinks milk out of her mouth!" OMG that was so disgusting.


They cheated contantly and wasn't even convincing with it, I remember wanting to yank my hair out while watching this because it was obvious the panelists were just playing clueless.



Yeah, lori beth always knew. I watch figure it out every day on GAS and every time she's on she gets it right away. But it does seem like they play dumb because of all the stupid questions they ask, then it waists time, then the kids either get the grand prize or lori beth gets the answer on the last guessing round.


come on, guys, lori beth always got the answer because she was on this show for like TWENTY MILLION FREAKIN YEARS!!! If i were a panelist on figure it out for as long as she was, i think i would get the answer a lot of times too.


Lori Beth knew not because she was cheating, but because she had common sense.

No, really. It was painfully obvious when the panelists started pretending that they didn't know by tossing out ridiculous answers. Lori Beth was one of the few you could depend on not to make a complete fool of herself.


She was also at least 3-5 years older than everyone else on the panel, except Mark Weiner or Kevin Kopelow...and those two were ONLY there to be goofy, they very rarely guessed with any amount of seriousnes.

Kitty Carlisle became VERY good at To Tell The Truth et al...because, as someone mentioned before, she did it for so damn long. I'm now about the age Lori Beth was when she was a panelist, and I get them correct about the same percentage as she did. When the charade brigade makes a throwing motion it's not hard to figure out "_____ First Pitch of World Series"...unless yr Amanda Bynes.


Most of the time she knew. If she or any of the other panelists couldn't figure out the contestant's talent. He or she would win the grand prize.




Lori Beth, you smart s.o.b.

"Have you ever danced with a refrigerator?"


If you watch, Lori Beth is on EVERY episode. That gives her A LOT of time to figure out what type of questions to ask, how to work out the clues, etc. They always say practice makes perfect...I think that's the case here. The more practice, the better she is at guessing the answer.
