some talents were just dumb
i remember one contestant's talent was along the lines of "eats cheese to look like state" or something like that. he took a slice of cheese took a bite out of it and said it was florida!
sharei remember one contestant's talent was along the lines of "eats cheese to look like state" or something like that. he took a slice of cheese took a bite out of it and said it was florida!
shareLmao! I saw that one last didn't even look like florida...I betcha he couldn't do massachusettes. But there were sooo many dumb talents like this one girl invented a water spewing alarm clock. If you don't get up you get squirted with water....the thing that's stupid is your bed sheets will be all damp after wards! And she probobly didn't even make it...her dad probobly did. That's what I hate about the show.. Half the time the inventions they made were useless, or they didn't make it.a parent made it. There are a bunch of other "talents" that were dumd..but I can't think of any....
shareThere was the girl who had the buzzer that would go off when she put her elbows on the table. But it only worked when you put your elbows on the buzzer. Like, just push the buzzer away.
I could live to be 132 and the image of that toddler happily scooping cereal out of the "chest bowl" will never leave me. It's not a's just gross.
The dog that "sang" on a beanbag chair is stupid because the dog just kind of screeches. Cow-pie bingo isn't a's still just luck.
The one where some boy created a slime-protector helmet or something like that was dumb.
shareThere was the girl who had the buzzer that would go off when she put her elbows on the table.
There was this one where the girl made a heart shape with her throat-and then it was over! Whoopee!
I didn't like the one where the boy was born with "the big dipper" on his back
You could tell that the panelists were pretending to be amazed when a ridiculous talent was revealed. Like they'd work so hard through 3 rounds only to find out that a kid can say the ABCs backwards.
sharei remember one, it wasn't exactly dumb (it was actually a pretty good idea) but anyways, the kid invented a glow in the dark safety marker that you used in the woods to help keep track of her path *note that you write with this marker* and one panelist asked the kid if he wrote with it and the kid said no. made no sense to me.
Even though the slime protector hat was dumb, I liked that episode cuz thats gotta be the most slimiest episode ever.
shareThe Chest bowl was gross. I thought the one where the girl sat ont he swing andkicked her shoes off was dumb because ANYONE can do that also the one where the kid demonstrated allagator camoflauge and I thought it was going to be cool and then all he did was sit on the back of an allagotor who had his mouth muzzeled and closed his eyes. I wasliek WTF?!?! That's not a talent thats just annoying an allgator
shareOne I thought was stupid was the one where this girl invented this 'no hands umbrella' and all she did was cut a stit in a vest and put the umbrella handle in it. Woooowwwww.
Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes
Yea and she like won her science fair or somthing, lol. Another one that was stupid, was the girl who put the tube in her clothes to feed the dog, I am like that's not talent and wouldn't her parents notice the tube in her clothes, and now they will probally cheakc her clothes since they know about it now.
sharehahah i saw one tonight where this boy and his mom could flip pancakes really fast so i was kinda expecting it to be like especially fast but they just flipped them and they kept falling out, i was like what? and a panelist asked if you do it at home and they said no. so where the hell else do you flip pancakes? your own restaurant? i wish i could see all those kids now.
"we're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." o.wilde
That kid who invented the fishbowl for cats or something like that. He wouldn't even let the cat use it. He flicked water at it. *eye roll*
shareI saw that a few days ago. He drank out of the water bowl too.
Talents I saw that are stupid.
-Teaching your dog to jump over your back. (The girl called it playing leapfrog)
-3 girls in the stand performed a dance. Not much of a talent.
-Mouse catcher invention.
This blank space is my sig. But since I typed this this blank space ain't my sig anymore is it?
One of the talents I thought was stupid was on yesterday's episode when a boy could name the day of the week for every date. He said he had an "equation" for doing that but he wouldn't tell anyone what it was. I was thinking he probably wouldn't tell anyone because he didn't have an equation.
I just like watching this show because of the stupid talents.
i thought the boy that do the star spangled banner by blowing his nose was stupid. he didnt even do the whole song he only did like the last 2 lines!!
shareok so the talents are stupid most of the time but i still totally love the show. i love the panalists they are so funny!
shareremember the girl that sung lobsters to sleep? WTF was up with that?
shareI would have to say the nastiest contestant "talent" of all was the little girl who's dog licked the inside of her MOUTH for water! (Or milk) So technically her mouth was the dogs drinking bowl....?...
That was just nauseating, her laying on her back while her 8 year old dog is practically making out with her....*starts to throw up in mouth a little*
And anyone remeber the little girl and dad who's (not so much of a talent) was putting lobster eyeballs on their tounges!!?? And that was it. !!!!!???
I'm sorry, all I heard was Blah, Blah, Blah. I'm a dirty tramp.
-Mr Deeds-
I remember one "invention" that was a remote controlled vacuum cleaner. It was just a freaking dust buster duct taped to a remote controlled car. WTF?
Only good thing about this show is Summer.
^ Ahhahhhaa!!!!! That's great!
Andy: How much is the food?
How much is the glorious fooood?
The Andy Milonakis show
The slime hat was stupid, when are you gonna need that? The kid probably invented it cos he knew it'd get him on the show.
I saw one the other day where this kid invented floor scrubber shoes. All he did was tie some scrubbers to some shoes. And from the way he was usin them, it looked near impossible to clean with them.
If the penny is heavier than usual, it just may be a rusty nickel.
Even though the contestant's inventions/interesting things they do were very lame, sometimes the audience was lamer. This one kid stood up, did a backflip, and sat back down. You could tell Summer was like "OK, waiting for the talent"
And when they would show the videos that kids sent in, oh gosh, those were just ridiculous. Made you realize why dumb kids were on the show. Some kids were even dumber than them.
If the penny is heavier than usual, it just may be a rusty nickel.
the "Dresses up crabs like Egyptian Queen for Pageant" was so stupid. it was on today. they just wore robes and had a holder for the crab that they were carrying around.
RIP Eddie Guerrero
Viva La Raza
hahahahahhah holy crap for the longest time i've been asking people if they remembered the kid who used to eat cheese in the shape of texas.
pure brilliance.
I remember the underwater walkie talkies. God they looked like crap. And what about the brothers who could play the recorders with their nostrils? That was lame as hell.
shareI saw a short two second clip of this in the opening credits--there's some shirtless boy wearing a hat, I guess he's singing rap, with a dancing mustard bottle in the background?? WHAT IS THAT??
Don't Genius Live in a Lamp?-Patrick Star
thats the florida marlins muscle boy!! check the thread titled that for more information
sharethe worst one i have ever seen was the chicken rolling contest WTF!? they just picked up some chickens and rolled them
shareBut to be fair, some kids actully had some degree of talent. I remember one kid who was a yo-yo champion and he actully was doing an assload of tricks. That was pretty cool.
shareyea i saw the yo-yo kid too but i felt so bad for him because he kept messing up since he was so nervous. I thought that the girl with the stilts was cool.
shareI remember seeing one where this kid invented a marker you could use to mark your trail in the woods.
Does bright-colored Sharpie mean anything to him?
If the penny is heavier than usual, it just may be a rusty nickel.
A lot of them were stupid. There were a couple cool ones. Like one were a girl did tricks on an elephant. That was pretty cool I mean it wasn't very challenging but they said she had to go to lot of trining so she didn't hurt the elephant and she had to go to auditions. That on was pretty cool.
And then there were stupid ones. One was a pig doing a bellyflop. They didn't do it themselves the kid had to push them. Now I am going to be on, I can make paper fall off table all I have to do it blow on it. I mean come on this was really ridiculous.
Then there were the ones that weren't cool but they took some talent. Like the national solo syncronized swimmer. That isn't all that cool but it does take some talent. She probably worked really hard.
I think this show was jsut for laughs and the panel asked the stupidest questions like the following...
- am i pretty
- does it have anything to do with this show
- r u going to show us it later
- Is my name (whatever the panalists name was)
- do you want to win the grand prize
- ect.
It wasn't a bad show I always find it hillarious with the stupid questions and the stupid "talents". But there are gross ones and there are weird ones. But all and all this show wasn't too bad. It was just weird.
"DUCKIES RULE" Eric, Boy Meets World
"Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself" Plays with squirells, Boy Meets World
"You do your thing and I do my thing and if in the end we end up together it is beautiful" Topanga, Boy Meets World
"You're right I said kiss me baby sweetie kill the relationship with the person I care about more than anyone in the world, and make me miserable for the rest of my horrible life. That's what I said" Cory, Boy Meets World
"Life's tough get a helmet" Eric and Cory, Boy Meets World
"Use a mirror babe" Shawn, Boy Meets World
I have way too much time on my hands
Thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks there was stupid/gross talent. I guess the only reason I watch is just like everyone else, curiousity. As mentioned before, for every like four gross/talentless person, there was like one really cool person. I do love how proud some people were of their lack of talent.
"I'm not a whore, I'm a dancer!!" Nomi Malone
i know this is an old post, but I'm surprised no one mentioned the one where the girl hung 6 Gatorade bottles from her face. the worse part was, she ended up with the grand prize of going to Jamaica while the kid, who was on before her at least had a REAL talent. he was a "self taught opera soloist". he had a lot of work to do, but it was way better than "Bottlefacegirl". he took home some lame table football game and a skateboard. wow. while bottle-girl took home an $100 Toys R Us gift-certificate, some other cool stuff AND the grand prize trip to Jamaica. this episode came on last night.