Best quote EVER

"You know who else I like that didn't get much play? Velma from 'Scooby Doo'. She was cool. She was a hip, hip lady."

"FRA-GEE-LAY. That's Italian!"
"I think that says 'fragile', honey."


"Bullcorn, Remember!?" - Reminiscing Guy


How do you pick just one with this movie? Seriuosly, there are so many.

The one you bring up is a classic. I remember comments like that growing up. Kids high out of their mind contemplating "life". Good stuff!

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I always loved when Amanda is talking to the stoners about what Preston looks like.

Amanda: So you're saying.. he has hair, sort of tall, and wears t-shirts sometimes?
Stoner 1: I mean yeah... he's Preston!
Stoner 2: Preesstttooonnn!


This is so hard because the movie is full of them. I think almost every line from both William and Kenny is hilarious!
"Don't drink the beer, the beer's gone bad" is legendary and cracks me up every time.
The girl that calls everybody a sheep "Bääää" (that's a word that's sooo much better in swedish )).
But the one I decided on as my signature (after a looong time thinking about it) is the one that wins for me...atleast this week

"Damn, she's gonna think I got that premature evacuation!" - Kenny Fisher


Stoner 1: 1 His hair is kinda...I don't know..sort of brown.
Stoner 2: Oh and he's tall.
Stoner 1: Yeah, he's kinda..kinda tall, sort of tall. And he's always wearing like.. T-shirts. RAWWR!


you're all sheep. baaaahhhh baahhhhh



Preston's long monologue about Amanda followed by "Would you like to penis?" I died the first the time I saw that.

Then there's the classic "I HAVE NO LEGS!!"

But so many to choose from.

"Welcome to prime time, bitch!" Freddy


