MovieChat Forums > He Got Game (1998) Discussion > Should Denzel's character have been evil...

Should Denzel's character have been evil?

Would it have added more moral ambiguity to the movie if Denzel's character was actually evil?

He's serving a prison sentence because he killed his wife; his son is angry with him for this act too. But we clearly see that Denzel's character accidentally killed his wife. He clearly showed remorse by telling his son to call 911; you see him hugging her gravestone at the cemetery; and you see him apologizing to the son. He also performs good deeds with the hooker.

Should Denzel's character have been a murderer (as opposed to manslaughterer); or maybe someone who dealt drugs; or someone who robbed stores etc?


He wasn't exactly a good guy. Drank too much, lost his temper a lot. Excessively physical with his kid and his wife. Seemed like a decent person with issues, not a bad guy though.
