The only thing...

I am totally capable of separating the fictional elements of a film from reality, and enjoying a movie like this for what it is.

But I have always, and I notice this every time it's on, been bothered by the scene at the end where Eve jumps out of the car after spotting Adam. I mean there was all this talk about how much those baseball cards were worth, and Eve just drops the box (allowing all the cards to fly out) onto the wet pavement. I know I'm just being silly bc it's such a tiny, stupid thing to notice, but that would obviously have ruined the cards, which were worth several thousands of dollars. I'm sure Eve was super excited, and Adam certainly didn't need the money, but surely she didn't need to drop them.

Ok sorry, that was my completely useless rant.


It's always bothered me and my
Sister too. Lol


Ha, ha, me too. Every time I watch that scene....okay Eve, place the box of cards down inside the car, so your hands and arms are free to go hug Adam. And every time, nope, she clutches the box until she is outside, only to drop it, spilling the contents. I don't know, maybe that's to show that she doesn't care about anything but Adam. But still, I can't help but think, that she should've been more careful. ☺



Yeah, the basic movie and idea are fine, but they got a lot of little things wrong. I mean, why buy all that stuff and put it in storage. Why not make finding the place to take it the first priority and then just truck it directly there? And why storage? You could store it in the truck. Why not use computer dating to find him a date rather than going to "da club"? How come he knows how to use a phone right away when it rings? And so on.
