Typical and unoriginal?
Whether you thought it well written or well acted or not, I hardly see how it was typical and unoriginal.
I am not aware of another movie where the plot involves a guy meeting and falling in love with a woman who has his former wife's heart in her, is there one? You think that happens often (typically) in real life?
Irish bars might be typical...but it wasn't an Irish bar, it was an Italian restaurant that had an Irish name. How many of those have you seen in movies OR in real life?
I'm not aware that nuns typically and happily ride bicycles, but that just might be me; maybe they do. I've watched a lot of movies and haven't seen a lot of happy bicycling nuns, care to name a few? I know of a movie where the nun can fly, so if they had flying nuns, I'd maybe have thought that typical.
If the point is that it had some scenes that are reminiscent of other movies, most folks who recognize those "nods" find them enjoyable...I do, at least.
And is there a problem taking scenes we often see in real life and injecting them into a movie? That just gives me a frame of reference and helps me feel familiar with the movie setting. IOW it's not a bad thing.