MovieChat Forums > Return to Me (2000) Discussion > Great moments, little things not to miss

Great moments, little things not to miss

Like when Bob promised Elizabeth that they would go to Italy together some day

or Sydney with his hands on the glass

or when Mel falls for Grace too.

Any others?

We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny FREAKIN Kaye!


In the beginning of the movie when Bob is dancing with Elizabeth and she does this little spin thing then later when Bob and Grace are dancing she does the same spin thing as Elizabeth. Kind of hard for me to explain.

Watch CHUCK Monday nights at 8/7c on NBC.


This is one of my favorite movies. There are so many great scenes and lines. One always makes me cry, no matter HOW many times I've seen it: after he gets home from the hospital and the dog waits by the door and he has to tell the dog she's not coming home, and the dog comforts him while he cries...SO heartbreaking!

And any scenes with Bonnie and Jim, my two favs are when she yells at him for swearing in front of the kids byt saying "I've never said Hell in front of the kids you son of a bitch." - hilarious, and when Jim's character is strutting around without his shirt on and Bonnie acts all hot and bothered - makes me laugh everytime.

There are so many others, too, like the blind date with the Swiss water lady.


One of my favourites that nobody has mentioned yet is when one of the old guys (I can't remember his name but I think he played Megan's father) is talking to Charlie after bowling and starts saying that Sammy Davis Jnr was his favourite Rat Pack member and then goes on to talk about Bill Cosby! He clearly has no idea how to relate to a black person but tries so hard - so sweet!



Bob resting his head on Grace's chest in Italy (to be close to his wife's heart)

Megan is pregnant at the end - and dancing with Father Rudy! But Joe cuts in :)


two of my favorite things...
one was touching: when bob asks grace if he can hold her hand.

the other was hilarious: when joe's taking off his shirt, going on about one of the kids and opening a beer, totally oblivious to the look on meagan's face-her expression was priceless, as if to say "yep, that's my man in all his glory"...they had such a a great on-screen relationship.


"Can I get two scoops?"
"No....Of course, you can!"


So many great moments, but one of my favorites is when Bob first comes to the restaurant after hours to get his cell phone (actually to see Grace again) and he meets the 4 old men for the first time. When Bob goes to back room and Marty announces "This is Bob, his wife is dead" the other 3 guys jump up with joy to greet him. Cracks me up every time.

One of my other favorite parts is when Meghan (Bonnie Hunt), in an effort to get her husband Joe stop yelling, screams "GRACE HAS BOB'S DEAD WIFE'S HEART!"

She then freezes with her back to Grace and her hand over her mouth and slowly turns around like she can't believe what she just said.


One of my other favorite parts is when Meghan (Bonnie Hunt), in an effort to get her husband Joe stop yelling, screams "GRACE HAS BOB'S DEAD WIFE'S HEART!"

She then freezes with her back to Grace and her hand over her mouth and slowly turns around like she can't believe what she just said.

and then Joe totally calms down and asks Grace if she wants ice cream (after he was ready to go to blows with Bob). Hilarious!


After crying & grieving while on the floor, and the dog on his leg...just as the heart starts beating inside Grace - Bob opens his eyes.

As with all the other folks who have posted, way too many warm and sometimes light hearted moments...

I loved this movie, have it recorded and now have the DVD.


After watching this movie a million times....I caught that for the first time yesterday! His eyes opening when the heart beat again...😔 "Best thing to ever happen to us" Are you weird too?


lol when the ex priest still wears his collar.

<In everything give thanks for this is the will of God> Thessalonians 4:18


All of these mentioned in all the posts above are great, especially:

-The slap when Bob touches Gracie's collar. Then she confuses him even more by saying she had a sex dream about him, then kisses him and walks away.

-Any scene with the old men and woman--like, "Marty's got Bob in a choke hold." And the group scurries to the window to check it out.

Or when Marty says, "This is Bob." And the men barely look up to greet him, then Marty adds, "His wife died." And the men jump up excitedly, talking over each other trying to shake his hand and offer him a chair.

-Gracie dumping out the Aquafina and filling it with tap water.

-All the scenes with Jim Belushi and Helen Hunt...especially when he was trying to put 'mommy to bed' on the landing of the stairs. I just love how sexually charged they are as a couple even though they have twenty-seven kids running about.

I also love, and I don't think it's mentioned here, is when Charlie watches Bob bowl with his new group of friends. Charlie couldn't get Bob to go out with him for over a year, and now that Bob finally is out having fun, it's with a bunch of old people--bowling.

Charlie looks utterly dumbfounded as Bob's laughing and high fiving with them. Finally he asks him, "So, Bob...what's up with the senior citizens?"

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Jim Belushi was hysterical in this movie. The whole scene when he sees Grace crying had me rolling on the floor. And he's naming all the reasons why he knew Bob was rat bastard.
"That hairline, the creative type! It's a given!"

Or when he was dancing without his shirt on in the kitchen!
