MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) Discussion > Getting the black guy to dance around in...

Getting the black guy to dance around in his undies and flap his arms like a bird...

Referring to the scene in the beginning where Murtaugh risks his life dancing in his undies to distract the crazy guy with the flamethrower while Gibson gets to save the day. That wouldn't fly today. Everyone would say it propaganda to degrade the black man.


I remember Riggs in that scene referring to the crazy guy as "an NRA member", which showed Hollywood's support for gun control.

Gun control benefits criminals, not citizens.


"Everyone would say it propaganda to degrade the black man."

got any proof?


Have you been living under a rock since 1998? People get offended by anything these days.


OR does it just look like that because of all the posts like your OP complaining that "People get offended by anything these days." or "couldnt make this movie today"

I see 10x as many posts like yours complaining about so called snowflakes and very few from the actual offended people , if they even exist.


Or you're just completely delusional. Are you denying that this generation is more sensitive?


they might be, in the sense that its no longer ok to say , slap your wife around for not having dinner ready etc ,

But they are in no way as sensitive as they are made out to be because 90% of reports of theis sensitivity are from outraged (ironically) blowhards just making shit up.

put simply
The people upset about young people and calling them snowflakes are the real snowflakes because they are the ones who are upset / offended / cant take it.


So you accept that society is more sensitive these days. Case closed.


Nah, it was a funny scene

'i just wanted to see if you'd do it lol' 😆


they do something similar in furiosa
