MovieChat Forums > South Park (1997) Discussion > Season 21 Worst in South Park History......

Season 21 Worst in South Park History...but why?

I lreally like south park, but this season seems to be the worst ever, feels like they changed the writers or why? Does anyone else feel this season sucks?


Nope. So far I think it's better than the last 2 seasons.




Yep. South Park sucks now. They're out of touch with their own core fan base and reality. They're complacent and phoning it in. They're afraid of rocking the Comedy Central boat. It's probably a combination of all those things. It's become useless and only occasionally funny.

Time to cancel it before the show's entire legacy ends up ruined like the Simpsons.


i think they already signed 3 more seasons? not sure


"They're afraid of rocking the Comedy Central boat"

Could you elaborate on this?


Look at the shows around South Park and advertised during it. Comedy Central transitioned from a comedy network into a leftist propaganda channel years ago. South Park doesn't take hard shots at the left anymore or buck PC mandates too strongly like it did in its prime. They've got the "PC Principle" character but he was late in coming and they've deployed him too softly. Heck, even liberal Family Guy just had an episode that hit the PC culture harder than any individual SP episode has in years, painting the Twitter mob reaction to Brian's "racist" joke and the phenomenon's impact on society in starkly Orwellian terms befitting reality, something SP shied away from.

Not sure if the Mohammed episode cancellation was a tipping point or the timing was just a coincidence, but since roughly around then the show hasn't had teeth and it tends to just use leftist narratives of the day (e.g. the completely BS Russia collusion "scandal") as the premises of its plots as if the writers are going with the rest of the media's flow.....the opposite of what South Park was created to do. Heck, they've spent a ton of time whining about Trump's supposedly outrageous tweets (a dated story at this point, especially since things are going a lot better in the country now than under Obama) but they haven't even touched the Weinstein/Hollywood implosion.

South Park's satire has become bland and pointless.


For some reason White People Renovating Houses only got 6.7, but I thought it was good. The Libtarded MSM said South Park was tackling white supremacy based on the preview, but I didn't see it. It was just the village rednecks with some Tiki torches, nothing racist at all. Libtards expected a "Trump is racist!" episode or something else.




Once you back down out of fear, it's difficult to rebuild credibility and everything you do will be second guessed...


Yep. It has just made me laugh more to be honest. I hated the season with the member berries...


I have no clue, but then I don't watch it anymore. It just got too gross and disgusting. They pushed the envelope WAY too far.



There's nothing gross this season like human centipede or Britney's new look.


I wouldn't know, Satan.



Nope you just don't get the sublte entardes they are going for this episode season its ok if you dont get it


"Sublte" entardes?? What is that? I googled it, and found nothing.



Like very very subtle double entendre. Like how one thing can have several meanings while really the initial phrase has only one true meaning.

So some jokes have more than one meaning, but yo need to understand that to make the jokes funny

Here is the definition

A double entendre is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to be understood in two ways, having a double meaning. Typically one of the meanings is obvious, given the context whereas the other may require more thought.


I just realized that when I googled it, I spelled it incorrectly. That's why I didn't find anything.

I know what a double entendre is. So is "entardes" Spanish?

BTW, you misspelled subtle.



Well I am in Canada so there are two different spellings to some words. Where you spell color we spell colour and theater is theatre so subtle is spelled correctly when i used it correctly. I believe entendre is an word whos roots are deep in Greek origin but on that I am not 100 percent sure. But it is in the oxford dictionary, but I think it is greek.

But its ok if you misspelled it, that happens sometimes, that is why I gave you the definition


Oh okay, thanks.



No problem. Like if you don't look at the particular episodes from both sides of the entadre then you won't find ti super funny like the single entandre episodes, but I am glad I could help. Maybe the tips i gave will help ypu watch better?


Thanks, possibly.



Your very welcome Movieman. I am glad I could help. Most people will just RABBLE RABBLE at the episode before understanding the double entrandre. It's it much easier to enjoy if you think about it textually like why would they make that joke, oh yeah now I get the joke. Where as if I thought about it one dimentionally then dont gwet it but 2 SIDES you get ti


I think every episode of this season feels rushed, but even so I'm having my usual dose of laughs.

I've been following South Park since 1999 and I'm happy that it didn't age badly like The Simpsons.


My take is Trey Parker and Matt Stone are being told to make this crap. There must be some video of them engaging in some nasty sh*t for them to sell out the way they have. It's probably the same for anyone of importance on television or in politics. They are all being blackmailed.

