So Dooku beats Kenobi and Anakin beats Dooku, but Kenobi beats Anakin?

In the begining of the movie Dooku beats Kenobi while fighting Anakin having the platform crash on obi Wan's legs. And Dooku would have killed him if he didn't have to keeps fighting Anakin. Then at the end of the fight Anakin defeats Dooku.

And so at the end of the movie after a long battle Kenobi defeats Anakin.

My point is, how is Kenobi not powerful enough to defeat Dooku, but Anakin is when Anakin isn't powerful enough to defeat Kenobi?

I'm sure there is an answer that will clear this up for me which is why I'm asking bigger Star Wars fans than me.

In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living.


"You underestimate my power" says it all.

Anakin thought he was unbeatable and paid the price for his arrogance.


Obi-Wan is losing for most of the fight with Anakin/Vader. Notice how he is constantly being pushed back; usually in a sword fight the person being pushed back is losing as they are unable to defend themselves toe-to-toe. Anakin/Vader loses out of arrogance and hubris (trying to pull off a move that Obi-Wan knows and already used years before).

Also remember that they fight with very similar styles (illustrated by the moment when the blades spinning round and not connecting - almost like synchronised bullets fired through a propellor) so how they fight each other compared with how they fight others cant't really be compared.


Rock beats Scissors and Paper beats Rock, but Scissors beat Paper 


For some reason some Star Wars fans seem to think that one fight means that the result will always go that way. Every fight will play out differently.
