This is the best-looking Star Wars movie

It certainly is the best-looking prequel. Why? It was SHOT ON FILM, and film looks infinitely better than digital. On top of that, this was really the last Star Wars movie to use sets over green screen backgrounds, and it's the only prequel to use a solid amount of practical effects (even though there's tons of mediocre CGI).

If this had been made three years later, the entire movie would've been shot in front of a green screen like Attack of the Clones was.


the entire movie would've been shot in front of a green screen like Attack of the Clones was.

That was Revenge of the Shit, which was the only star wars film not to be shot on location - every other episode went somewhere in the world to film some scenes except that one. It was also the only one filmed using green screen in every single shot. Some sets were built, but mostly just partially with CGI filling in 90% of the rest. As a result, it felt like an animated movie in some ways.

And yes, because of that, Phantom Menace does look much better. Nothing beats shooting on film, in real locations, on real sets and not using CGI in every scene.
