Just an opinion...

While I will admit to liking the prequel trilogy more than most, three things would have made it vastly better (again, just in my opinion):

1. Haley Joel Osment in place of Jake Lloyd.
2. Leonardo DiCaprio in place of Hayden Christensen.
3. The early death (or complete omission) of Jar Jar Binks/the Gungans.

Hate on the PT all you want, but it was visually stunning, despite the glaring insults to the OT. And hate on CGI if you like, but despite being WAY overused, it was at least very well done. For me, nothing will measure up to the original trilogy, and nothing since HAS measured up. But sometimes (JUST sometimes), I am at least entertained by the OT.


Funny how almost any fan can suggest improvements to the prequels that really would have improved things!

Because yeah, those are all good ideas. The only question is, why didn't Lucas listen to sensible suggestions like that when he was making the films? Someone on his team must have said something.


Anakin shouldn't have been a kid but a teenager in TPM... and No pod race and Jar Jar then they are already vastly improved...

Less CGI and more Plapatine and they might even become decent...


yeah , but when you got 3 films to churn out before the little brat becomes Darth Vader , you have to start him out as a kid.


Why? he could easily be 30 when he turns to the darkside... that would even fit the story better... so Obi-Wan and Anikin were friends instead of Master and padawan...


TPM used more practical affects than TFA & TFA used even more CGI. The only difference is that TFA came out 16 years later so naturally the cgi is going to look better. Another difference is that back when TPM came out CGI was being emphasized as it was new and cool at the time. The backlash against CGI over the years they simply downplayed the CGI and emphasized the practical effects with the ST despite actually using more CGI.

The fact that TFA used more CGI than the TPM yet most people seem to think the opposite shows just how easy it is to shape perceptions of the masses.


Where did I state that TFA used less CGI than the TPM? I was commenting on what would have made the prequels better... and less CGI was just one of my points...


Both leads were teenagers at the time and DiCaprio would have been about 25? Maybe Gosling instead?

Wouldn't have made too much of an improvement to the film though, as much of the acting was poor anyway from respectable actors like McGregor and Portman. I think it's mainly the script/direction they had to work with. Not sure Osment would have been much better having to go "Ooops" all the time either.

The film was pretty poor. Its only saving grace is the music and the light sabre fight at the end.


Yeah the "oops" grated on me too. What are the chances that everything this annoying kid did was an "accident", but accidentally made him the "hero"? That's not the Force. That's just stupid, lousy (and lazy) writing.


DiCaprio could have passed as a teen at the time, he was convincing as a teen in the excellent "Catch Me If You Can", made in 2002. He was baby-faced and boyish for a long time.

He's not my favorite actor but always does as decent workmanlike job, and he couldn't have been worse than HC. But its unlikely he would have been good, because Lucas is known to be a terrible actor's director. The only actors who do well jn his films are the old pros who dont need any direction, because no, the actors aren't getting any more from George than "Look over there".


My mistake. Di Caprio was around 25 in 1999, so in 2002 when HC first appears he would have been closer to 30. I know he had that baby-faced youthful look past his teenage years, but I still think it's a bit of a stretch. Plus we may not have had Di Caprio in CMIYC if he had been involved in Star Wars, so that's a reason against on its own, right?

As you said and as I already suggested, it probably wouldn't make a difference thanks to the script and Lucas's direction. Whoever was cast may have looked poor.


I don't know who that is but I think the miscasting of Anakin, both as a child and an adult, was one of the problems for me with these films.

Jar Jar was an awful, annoying character. I wish he wasn't part of the film.

The time spent on Tatooine was way too long for me and the pod race was tiresome to me.

The space battle at the end didn't really have any emotional impact on me. When Luke took out the death star I was on the edge of my seat and felt great joy as the Battle of Yavin was won, the music was just perfect. The battle against the trade federation with this little "wooo-ing" kid meant nothing to me. I don't know, Lucas just didn't get me involved in the characters like he did with Star Wars.


I PT were flawed but ultimately innovative, quality films that greatly expanded the lore of Star Wars and told a decent, coherent overall narrative that tied it to the OT. I appreciate them more and more over the years, especially in light of this atrocious Di$ney sequel trilogy. That being said there are some things I would change in TPM

1. Hayden Christiensen was fine. He should have been cast as Anakin from the start, and portrayed Anakin as a teen in TPM I feel that little kid Anakin hurt the film & the entire trilogy more than Jar Jar.

2. I'm conflicted about Qui Gon Jin as I liked Liam Neeson's portrayal but I feel it would have better served the narrative to combine his character with Obi Wan's or at at least reduce Qui Gon's role in the story, having him act as more of a mentor.

3. Jar Jar could have worked better with some tweaking but didn't ruin the movie despite being a creative misstep.


DiCaprio was too much of a big name, and his salary alone would’ve eaten too much of the budget (for a film that relies on expensive CGI). I felt the unknown Hayden Christenson was better for this role
