lowest rated Star Wars according to imdb
fix this
shareAttack of the Clones is far worse. The horrible love story. The poorly executed Jedi arena fight. The only good thing about AOTC is the fight between Obi-Wan and Jango Fett.
I actually like AOTC much more than TPM, precisely because half of it's pretty good.
The only thing I really like in TPM is Qui-Gon, and that's not enough.
Totally agree. I felt asleep through and though I dont hate it. I actually like though I believe is the by far the worst the of the three and takes any anticipation for revenge. I like it. I dont know why. It felt like a necessary way of adding plot to it and giving explainations. Plus I know most will hate me for saying this. I love Jar-Binks and am a huge fan of his. So though I agree its the worst and boring. I like it!
shareSolo is lower.
sharecurrently a 7.1, so no
shareIMDB is manipulating the score. Moviechat always has the IMDB rating on its site at the upper right hand corner. Presently, at 1:45am on May 27, moviechat has 6.4 which was what IMDB had two hours ago when I went to the IMDB site to verify.
Now, I just went to the IMDB site and the score is 7.1 with brand new Solo advertising on the page. For what its worth, I'm taking screen shots.
Phantom Menace has a 6.5 on both sites.
moviechat is always a few days behind, imdb not delaying score cause of advertising
share6.4 change to 7.1 in two hours on the IMDB site? In the middle of the night? Very odd.
The first site says IMDB skews their average rating towards the high end and the second site says they rejigger their rating.
LMAO. Desperate.
shareI don't buy it. Solo is decent science fiction, and fits perfectly with every other sci-fi movie with a 7ish score on IMDB.
I do have Phantom Menace just slightly above Attack of the Clones though, and both of those ahead of Valerian, but beggars can't be choosers.
I'm was just writing what I saw re: the ratings for both films. Nothing more. PM had 6.5 and Solo a 6.4.
I haven't seen Solo yet. I was listening to an amusing 44 minute funny rant review about it though.
Her review and your comment about "beggars can't be choosers" are reinforcing my belief that Solo is pretty bad. At least now I know that Lawrence Kasdan is an over-rated writer which is what I suspected.
I came in with low expectations. I was expecting another Valerian, and got something much better that will always be much better no matter how many times I see both of those movies. 7 just seems like the perfect fit.
shareI just remembered that 11 days ago another poster alerted people that IMDB had removed the low rating for Solo. He/she took a screen shot. When I checked it out, I did see plenty of Disney advertising on the Solo page and other movies still had their ratings.
I no longer believe IMDB rating system in regards to Solo.
Well you already didn't believe it for The Last Jedi. There's really no possible outcome here that would bring you on board with it.
shareI've compared the IMDB rating for a dozen movies (new, old, Star Wars) for IMDB on this site (top right corner) with the actual IMDB site. Every score matches perfectly except Solo. Solo is still listed as 6.4/10 on this site and 7.2/10 on the actual site.
Why the discrepancy and only with Solo? And why was the score temporarily turned off on the IMDB site for Solo 11 days ago?
"Why the discrepancy and only with Solo?"
Because it's a new release and the scores are changing rapidly. And it's not just for Solo.
Future World on Moviechat: 3.7
Future World on IMDB: 3.1
And that's only with Future World's limited release, versus Solo's nationwide release.
"And why was the score temporarily turned off on the IMDB site for Solo 11 days ago?"
It's been that way for popular upcoming movies for years. IMDB will have a message saying "needs at least 5 votes" or something like that for, say, a Harry Potter Potter sequel when you know thousands of fans have already up-voted it a week before seeing it.
Also, when many low votes are cast before a movie's opening, it makes it easier for IMDB to recognize it as a downvote campaign.
Was my reply too good? Did you concede that these anomalies can happen with new releases? Future World is still at 3.7 on Moviechat, now 3.2 on IMDB. And I believe it was the second widest release next to Solo, though that probably doesn't mean much.
Or is it just a campaign by IMDB to keep people away from Future World?
I had figured out the discrepancy between websites. One of the movies I had checked originally was Future World which had the same stats for both sites at that time. My guess is that moviechat has to do some type of refresh or update to sync with the imdb data. They did that tonight because both Future World and Solo ratings are in sync with the IMDB site after being different for a week.
This article explained the difference between IMDB weighted vote averages vs raw data averages as well differences among main review sites.
Solo mediocre ratings on several sites, numerous reviewers on youtube and word of mouth is confirmation for me.
Disney is very influential and I still don't believe so many critics loved The Last Jedi when its script was flawed. Considering that and the repeated pullback against upset SW fans, I'll remain a skeptic.
IMDB and RT are biased towards the opinions of men because that's who does the majority of the voting. If you're a woman, you're not as likely to give Iron Man a 7 or 8, but if you're a guy the odds go way up. That's just how it goes.
My point was that Solo and Future World were off because they were new with lots of votes coming in. You tried to make the argument that if Solo was not being fudged with, then past Star Wars movies should have a similar discrepancy between IMDB and Moviechat. That idea doesn't pass the sniff test because the vast majority of old Star Wars films have had ample time to set their ratings in stone whereas Solo's (and Future World's) were coming in like wildfire.
On top of that, there's a downvote campaign going on by the anti-SJWers. The problem is, most of them mess it up by giving the movie a 1. If they really wanted to mess with Solo, they'd be handing out 4's and 5's because IMDB easily spots BS votes.
No, my point was that I saw a huge, brand-new, expensive Solo ad next to a higher IMDB score and compared it to a lower moviechat score and I became suspicious. Like I wrote, I believe moviechat has to refresh or update their site in order to sync the two scores. It's hard for me to trust scores or critics after so many of them praised The Last Jedi. Critics used to have much higher standards.
KK & co. also like to double-down against the fans using the internet so it has made me suspicious of websites especially those that are receiving their advertising dollars or perks.
I voted 1 star for Last Jedi, but that's my true opinion. I hated that movie and it's the worst one I've ever seen. Batman and Robin has moved down to #2.
I know we're talking about opinions here, but a vote of 1 out of 10 for the Last Jedi is going to resemble a protest vote no matter how you attempt to justify it. If you were to go out in public and show The Last Jedi and Plan 9 From Outer Space back to back, and say Plan 9 is the better film, everyone is going to take it as hyperbole. It only makes sense for IMDB to do the same thing.
On that same note, if you vote Plan 9 as a masterpiece worthy of a 10 out of 10, IMDB is also going to suspect it as some kind of protest vote, but in reverse. If there's a sudden influx of 10's for Plan 9, IMDB is gonna discard most of them. It works both ways, but we know these types of campaigns focus more on negativity.
dont know anything about solo but I have it as one of the higher rated ones just because Im a huge Darth Maul fan despite fagot Lucas giving him no screen time. He still had the baddest action scene in the entire series and basically slaying almost three of the most important characters in the entire series.
shareI don't think that's possible, dude. Maybe if you filmed a turd accompanied by the Star Wars score for two hours you might get a worse film. But that is just a maybe.
shareCrap movie. Haven’t seen TLJ or Solo, but I’m sure they’re better.
shareNot TLJ. It looks pretty, but the movie is a mess.
shareStill pretty hard to decide which one is worse. TLJ was a mess, Phantom Menace is also quite bad. Jar Jar Binks' level of bad.
I think Panthom Menace has a little edge because of the pod racing scene was pretty awesome (at the time) and somewhat memorable. Nothing as iconic I could find in TLJ. But that's that I guess. Not worth a single digit difference in score.
PM had good dueling, Darth Maul, Qui-gon and Obi-wan, good costumes, good settings like Coruscant and Naboo, Palpatine's double dealing. Lucas probably created Jarjar to attract 7 year olds to the franchise. Big mistake.
TLJ was just dumb. Grouchy milk drinking Luke, Mary Sue Rey, Leia Poppins, shirtless whiny Kylo, dummy Snoke, annoying Rose, no continuity to the first 7 movies re: how Jedi are trained, the balance of the Force and the war, lazy script and copied whole scenes from the OT. This movie broke Star Wars.
There's no way The Phantom Menace was better than TLJ. No way in hell. Yes, TLJ was disappointing. We get it. But The Phantom Menace was an absolute abomination. An, ugly, soulless, charmless, unwatchable chore. It's insult to filmmaking has become notorious to fans of actual film. Not just fans of Star Wars.
And no, that pod racing scene wasn't awesome at any time. Especially not that time. Memorable? I'd forgotten it before the film ended.
I'm looking forward to Solo like my next dental appointment. But it will not be worse than The Phantom Menace.
My problem with Disney Star Wars is that they are ripping off entire scenes, dialogue, characters and plots from the original trilogy instead of creating anything new. We can debate which film is less enjoyable, but at least Lucas made an honest attempt to create an original and good film. Disney just doesn't give a crap about quality or originality and insults fans who criticize their lazy conveyor belt attempt at filmmaking.
The "sequel" trilogy is a crappy reboot of the original. Standalones are rehashes.
"I'm looking forward to Solo like my next dental appointment."
This is what Disney Star Wars has become which is why I'm boycotting it.
Hey, "Solo" has only been out a few days!