MovieChat Forums > Men in Black II (2002) Discussion > why did the nerd pcik up the shovel?

why did the nerd pcik up the shovel?

when K and J went to the conspiracy nut's house, and after they neuralized him, why did he pick up a shovel?? what did J say to prompt this?


to kill his mom!


The shovel scene in MiB II is still the funniest scene in al three films.

“Am I a man or am I a Muppet? If I’m a Muppet, well I’m a very manly Muppet"


No offense but you kind of have to b an idiot not to pick up on that joke or a little kide. Same with DONT FALL ASLEEP. He is going to kill her.


how on earth did this stupid topic blow up to 5 pages??

will smiths character "agent J's" stupid action caused the nerd to kill his mum, why can't people read between the line, the gag was obvious

p.s why did will smith insult the nerd, so what if he lives with his mum? that's weird? that's rich, he works at a alien police station

the nerd has a hot gf, has employment and a roof over his head, i wouldn't call him a loser, its just a western stereotyping that all people who become 18 MUST become independent otherwise they're losers which can explain they have less respect for their parents then people in ethic cultures because they're closer with their parents


He picked up the shovel to get the pizza's out of the oven
