Who DID shoot Nate?

...and why didn't Guillfoyle get a credit? H us character was crucial to the plot.



How, who and when were the offshore checks were planted at Danny Roman' s house.


Frost shot Nate. When the shooter approached the car, Nate saw him, recognized him and immediately put out his cigarette. This is most likely because whoever approached the car was probably a higher ranking officer than Nate, which Hellman, Allen, and Argento are not. Frost was a Commander, so Nate probably didn't want to be caught smoking by his Commander. Also Nate didn't get suspicious when Frost approached the car, which he probably would've if it was one of the other 3 guys because he was on to them already, he heard their voices on the tape... but he didn't know who was in charge of the conspiracy, which was Frost.

As for the offshore accounts, I think Neibom's men most likely planted the evidence in Danny's house while they were searching.


I don't get why he put out his cigarette. Is it illegal to smoke in your own car?


Probably the sign of respect and out of habit for being former army, you wouldnt keep smoking when a superior officer arrived to talk to you.


It had to be Frost, Nate knew the other 3 were corrupt but didn’t know Frost was corrupt.
