Boring AF - fell asleep in cinema

I don't understand people's fascination with this horrible movie (and the even worse next bunch, incl. that hobbit drivel). Yes, the scenery is great, because it's New Zillund but the story is just plain boring. Two gay humans with big feet (oh no, they're 'hobbits') and some gay ring. A movie full of people walking. Enemies walking. Trees walking. If people would have had recognizable names (John, Paul, George, Richard) it would have not been so bad but all those boring fantasy names are just tiring and cumbersome. Went to see this in cinema at the time on first date with hot chick. Fell asleep. Snoring. Never even got to first base with her because of that. Peter Jackson, you ruined my future you bastard!!!


I'm not gonna respond to this with an intelligent response because it doesn't deserve one, but I would say this is B+ trolling. A bit too cliche at this point to get an A, but not bad nonetheless.


It's not trolling, I mean it.


Happily, the feeble OP is no longer here, and no “hot chick” would have been caught dead with a dud like he. “Doctor”?😂


That's C- on a lucky day.
He ripped off Randall with the rant about walking, the bit about names is lame and off point.
He is not abrasive nor acute, he' s a shitty troll and nobody believes the story about his moviegoing experience nor that he ever had a hot girlfriend.
C- is generous.


Already told you: I'm not trolling. So giving me a rating for something I'm not doing is rather silly.


Completely ripped me off from Clerks 2


Yea, a C- is even too high for this one. no originality at all.


I can see your points, but it's about personal taste.


There are ALL KINDS of reasons why you don’t “get to first base,”
and our species is the better because of this.

You have to be an asshole to tell this story about yourself.


I have to agree. The movies sucked.

1)It should've only been 2 hours and 30 minutes as it padded too much.
2)As you said, the names are both stupid and forgettable. If you're going to do made up names, make them only 1-2 syllables.
3)Dialogue is way too dry. I don't care what they have to say and the emotion isn't there.
4)Everyone is a one note character. The villain is incredibly one dimensional.
5)The few female characters in this sausagefest are extremely boring and poorly written. Not at all attractive either when they clearly do look good in real life.
6)Predictable story. I could guess everything that would happen.

This would just be simply a bad movie, but 12 hours of this is simply torture.


So are you criticizing Jackson or Tolkien? Or both?


Not sure. I don't know how much was adapted from the books because I've never read them.


Probably both then. There are some differences, but the movies are one of the better book to film adaptations out there.


STFU, Narwhale37!


go home you are drunk


Well, almost all of the names Tolkien used were from history and the various legends, sonnets, and other artistic writings of northern Europe. I know its difficult to understand, but names mean something. And names aren't always one or two syllables. We have grown quite lazy in our attitudes regarding many things and words and names with history, musicality, lyricism, and historical foundation seem to have fallen out of favor. That wasn't the case when Tolkien wrote his stories. Over the decades I can confess I have never heard that his names are too difficult. To the contrary, his names tell stories on their own. They also identify family, nationality, and race. There is no mistaking Dwarvish, Elvish, Rohirrim, Ranger, and other people's names.

Perhaps do some in depth reading and research. You might actually learn to appreciate the depth and breadth of Tolkien's work.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)


I guess it's too late to tell Led Zeppelin.
