Even back in 2001 it looked bad. But this is a trademark of WETA Digital. They just don't know how to make convincing CGI that looks tangible (at least not back then). Everything just has a very floaty weightlessness feel to it, like you're watching a video game cutscene. King Kong is another example of complete overuse of unconvincing CGI.
This and the Star Wars prequels started the trend of the overuse of shitty CGI, it's a shame.
The CGI in the Hobbit trilogy is certainly terrible, since Short-Sighted Jackson was forced to use it more extensively because he chose to go HFR and 3D, which meant no more practical miniatures and clever visual tricks for Gandalf and the hobbits.
But the CGI in LOTR is perfectly good, considering it was 2001 and CGI was still in its infancy, and a lot of the visual effects are practical anyway.
Some of the stuff WETA have done looks dated and not very good, like in this, King Kong, and The Hobbit films in places. We know they're capable of great work too because they did Mad Max: Fury Road and Blade Runner 2049.
Maybe it's an issue with Jackson's films? It doesn't help that in his films he has these really over the top action scenes involving actors in front of a green screen that make it look all the more fake e.g. the dinosaur stampede in KK, or the barrel scene in TH:TDOS.
When you look at something like Starship Troopers though, that was made a few years before Lord of the Rings, it really does look far better for its use of green screen. So yeah WETA dropped the ball a bit for these films.
Starship Troopers holds up better than most CGI in the last 10 years and it was made in 1997. I personally think the lord of the Rings trilogy has some of the best CGI ever made. I would credit it to a long post production, good use of practical effects, and a diligently planned pre production.
The Hobbit on the other hand especially the first one is messy and very cartoony in some areas. Again I would credit bad or little use of practical effects, short rushed post production, and poorly plan pre production. WB just threw money at it and rushed it.
The CGI may not be especially realistic, but it's a fantasy movie and I think the CGI works within that context. It adds to the film's otherworldly atmosphere.
Regarding King Kong, much of the movie looks artificial and it doesn't totally work, but the film overall is actually a bit underrated I think. I rewatched it a little while back for the first time in years and thought it was pretty good. Jackson never got a whole lot of credit for that one and I'd say he deserves a little more. When Kong dies it's an emotional moment.