MovieChat Forums > Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) Discussion > On a scale of 1-10 how much did you like...

On a scale of 1-10 how much did you like this movie?

1 is the worst
10 is the best

I love movies with a major twist at the end, and not only that, the acting was good as well as the camera shots.
I give it at least a 9 if not a 10.


9/10. One of the best movies I have seen. Definitly in my Top 10.


come on... a lot of hype around this movie.
can't understand why it is ranked so high.
guy ritchie sucks big time, and he proved it (swept away, revolver...)


thedescent-1 said:
"guy ritchie sucks big time, and he proved it (swept away, revolver...)"

Now that is really failed logic my friend. It's like I would say, for example that Manchester United sucked at football (it's called football, not soccer, football god dammit) because they lost their latest game. That they've won every other match they played before in this years series ain't taken into account.

NOTE: I can't follow the English series so I don't know how good/bad Manchester U are at the moment. I've got nothing against Manchester and hope that their fans understand that I just used their name as an example.

That's it, fetch my katana, it's butchering time!






It's because in the USA marketing is so intensive and you are so isolated that it's hard to see anything else going on. If you were born in any other country you would simply know how great football is. The idea behind having less goals is that you appreciate each one a lot more. It really is such a shame that Americans aren't really given the opportunity to appreciate football as they will never experience the feeling of seeing their country score a goal in the world cup. Considering there is such a healthy emphasis on national pride it's a wonder you guys don't compete in international sports. Search videos of great football or FIFA World Cup moments or something on YouTube and maybe you'll understand more. American sports are really focused on numbers and statistics, which is just your culture. Football is so much more than a game, but most Americans have no reason to ever find this out.

Yeah I'd say 9/10 for me, though when it first came out I probably would've said 10.


America has American football so of course they will call it soccer when they already have a sport called football.. just saying


Jog on Numpty!!!

How does the man who drives the Snowplough get to work?


like I said it is stupid arguing over what it is called, one country calls it football, another soccer so what


I agree, but I rate my satisfaction a 6/10.
It's style over substance.


I've seen many many many movies, and this is my fav. i give it a 10!


5/10 Nothing special, its a bit funny to watch, but once again, the film's "cool talk" is the main thing keeping it alive. And the ending with the shotguns is funny. OK film


So if you'd didn't think that this movie was funny, what movies do you think are funny?


I can laugh at just about any movie, whether its DeNiro or Eddie Murphy, or even the guy in this movie who played in the Transporter and Italian Job. I can laugh at just about anything in whatever movie it is, but this is overhyped due to the fact that the scriptwriter thinks putting the f-word repeatedly into the film, would make a good script. Im British myself, and do very much enjoy most British comedy, but this just wasn't my cup of tea. From my point of view, the script was very cheesey, the jokes were pretty much mostly dull (if you've never lived in England and are American for example, sure you can pee yourself at how Brits smack-talk with their accents, but if you live in UK, I doubt you'll find it funny at all). The only possible good point that I can give to this movie are the cast. Take them away, and this movie would've been a pure failure from all views. Still, I have no problem with people who did enjoy it, all Im saying is dont let the overhyped reviews make you jump in excitement when you buy this film, you might just hate it.



I'm certainly not going to rank it among the best films of all time, but in terms of personal enjoyment...9 or 10.


It takes 9 out of 10 from me.




5/10 I thought it was pretty overrated and pretty overacted. Not realy my type of movie. I can like a lot of things in movies, but this was just stupid. The only good in this film is the ending, which is the thing that made me laugh the most. Another good thing was the unprobability of the movie. Still I dont have a problem with people who love this film, since some people liked the differentiality of this film, I just didn't


a nice 10/10. I like it just as much as The Godfather, North By Northwest and all the rest.
