What if Godzilla 1998 had been released as a remake of....
What if it had been rebranded as a remake of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms? Would it have better reception and/or reviews?
Seems to me that most of the negative comments about Godzilla 1998 are based in how it takes the Godzilla franchise in a direction so different that Godzilla fans are naturally disappointed with it. I personally find it to be a pretty decent monster movie.
So if all reference to Godzilla had been omitted, edited out, and it had been released as a remake of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, which is almost what it is, how would it be viewed?
I expect it would have had less stellar box office initially, or even in total, but it would garner better overall reviews. That's my opinion.