Just my $2

And it's probably nothing people don't already know.

The killer was almost certainly male. He may have had a female accomplice, but very few women would have the physical strength to commit the actual murders. He was probably white because all the victims were and serial crimes usually follow the same racial line. He probably or worked in the area, because serial killers usually commit their crime where they feel comfortable and know the escape routes. He obviously had a good working knowledge of women's anatomy and he probably well spoken and likable, the exact opposite of what most people would expect from a killer like that which is how avoided being suspected.


You're my hero for saying "just my two dollars" instead of cents. That is all.


The killer was actually a mentally ill Polish Jew who ended up in an asylum .

This was revealed to the investigating officer long after the event, by one of his community, who refused to go public with it as I think he was a relative of the Ripper, but he thought that the police should know .


Do you mean Aaron Kosminski? Because he didn't end up in a asylum until 1891. If he was the ripper why stop after the 5th victim?




*two cents, not two dollars.



Jack was a homosexual
