Which started development first Antz or A Bug's Life? Did Dreamworks decide to do an ant movie because Pixar was or did Pixar decide to do an ant movie because Dreamworks was? Or was it simply a coincidence that both happened to be doing movies about ants at the same time? Does anyone know?
You are rude and he did answer your question, Pixar was first. So that means it was not Dreamworks and it was not a coincidence. If you're curious about proof, call the PR firm for Pixar and Dreamworks.
At least the ants in Antz had six legs and not four. But A Bug's Life is so much better.
Dreamworks got wind that Pixar’s next was A Bug’s Life and cynically rushed Antz into production to bring it out first, and loaded it with one of the best casts in the history of cinema - Woody Allen, Stallone, Hackman, Walken, Sharon Stone etc etc… but it had a poor script and the animation was crude and lazy.
A Bug’s Life took the time to do it right and made a modern classic, superior in every way.