MovieChat Forums > Blade (1998) Discussion > Mahershala Ali to Star in ‘Blade’ Reboot...

Mahershala Ali to Star in ‘Blade’ Reboot as Marvel’s Vampire Hunter


Shouldn't it really be a white transgender playing this part in this day and age?


I was hoping they would bring back Wesley Snipes.


what happened to him


I know he went to prison a few years ago for evading taxes on millions in income. He’s had a few roles since being released.


He's 57. Getting to be a little too old for this type of role. That being said, is Mahershala Ali really suitable for such a physical role?


The swordplay and Martial Arts won't be a problem as so much is choreographed. What it won't be is iconic, explosive or signature. Snipes was dynamic and was a student. Ali will do fine. I'd like to see him own the character and imprint his version on the MCU.


I think he is a good choice for the role.


I’d rather watch an actor who can do as much of his own stunt work as Snipes did, rather than watch a CGI’ed Ali with a few years of martial arts training.

They should have brought back Snipes and let him hand it over to a younger protege, if only out of respect.


Let's hope we don't get a repeat of that god awful CGI fighting from Blade 2.


Bro, that CGI fighting from Blade 2 is the standard in Marvel films now.

Did you see Black Panther?



True. But there is no need for it in something like Blade. They should go the John Wick route. Well choreographed, grounded fighting. Not stupid flying in the air dumb shit.


I don’t think Marvel Studios has ever made a film with a hand-to-hand fight scene that wasn’t either rubbery CGI or edited to death.

It’s what people seem to love now.


I seem to recall Winter Soldier had some decent hand to hand fighting. Over edited sure but hey.


Solid choice.


I'm not optimistic. A solid actor but I'm highly skeptical that he can pull off the physicality of the role & have it come close to living up to Wesley Snipes performance. I anticipate extensive use of stunt doubles, cgi, & quick cuts to make up for the actor's physical shortcomings. On top of that the actor is already older than Wesley Snipes was in his last Blade film.

They should have opted for a younger actor to reboot the franchise who could convincingly play the part for years. Someone like Michael. B. Jordan would have been a much more appropriate choice. 1. Proven as a very solid actor 2. Proven he can do very physically demanding roles 3. Young enough to convincingly play the role for years

It's a very strange choice to reboot the franchise after 17 years with a guy in his mid 40s who to my knowledge has no physically demanding roles under his belt. The casting decision feels like it had more to do with Hollyweird politics than truly choosing the best option for the role.


‘Blade’: ‘John Wick’ Director Chad Stahelski Expresses Interest in Directing Marvel’s Reboot


Definitely excited for it.
