MovieChat Forums > American History X (1998) Discussion > Why do black people tend to hate this fi...

Why do black people tend to hate this film?

Every black person I've talked to about this film hates it, I don't understand why.. this movie is anti-racist it shows the negative consequences of having hate towards other races, one of my black friends didn't seem to get it and says he hates the movie because it is "racist".

Has anyone else noticed this, or if you are black can you tell me what you thought of the film?



It's kinda like watching a holocaust flick that goes out of its way to show that some jews were bad people too.




Low IQ may be the answer.

You really should kill yourself, totally not kidding.

There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad


I've seen a few people say that the reason they find it racist is because there is little development in black characters and that the majority of them are portrayed as violent thugs.

Maybe it's just me over analysing, but I thought the kid who shot Danny had some development. I didn't just see him as a thug, I got the impression he was the kid that got mixed in with the wrong crowd and as a result seemed like a mindless aggressor. It just seemed to me that he was the kid that hung around with the older kids and felt like he had something to prove. It also seemed to me that his decision to shoot Danny was probably brought on from peer pressure, not his genuine hatred for Danny. Finally, during the end scene, after he's shot Danny I couldn't help but notice the look of terror, regret and realisation on his face immediately after shooting Danny, instantly realising what he had done.

I don't know, maybe I am over analysing, maybe it wasn't intentional from the director, but I feel he was character that had potential for development.

Nobody, I mean nobody puts ketchup on a hotdog!


I thought Lamont and Dr. Sweeney were either very likeable and some of the few most developed characters in the movie.

About the kid that shot Danny, it's obvious that he was a reflection of Danny himself, but he felt true hatred because he's been brainwashed by his gang into hating Derek's family, probably because the thugs that Derek brutally killed where close to him. The papers could easily be inverted, and if it was Derek who got killed by the thugs, i could easily see them switching places and the movie ending with Danny killing the black kid for revenge.

But back to the topic, i don't think we can generalize that "black people tend to hate this film". There's dumb and stupid people everywhere, and racist people of any race will probably hate this movie, the sameway boneheads hate this movie as well, because this movie is a slap in their face and their atrocious ideologies.


"Why do black people tend to hate this film"

are you kidding?


I would also add that the ending has the black kid being the bad guy. That's a reason black people would hate it. You end up feeling sorry for Derek and Danny and pissed at that black kid for killing Danny. That's a powerful, but disturbing ending. Derek got to redeem himself, but the blacks did not.

The Almighty says "don't change the subject, just answer the fuggin question."


Black Man here and I think this is a great movie. It well acted and well directed. Yes there is racism but it makes the movie realistic also.


There were plenty of bad white people in the film who never redeem themselves. Dereks old skinhead friends for example.

This film isn't about neo-nazis. It's about ignorant people who harbor hatred and the consequences. It's about seeing people for who they truly are, regardless of skin color. Derek learned this the hard way in prison.


I don't have any black friends...but I did have sex with a black chick once.👍


No offense to black people, but they do tend to call very many things racist. They always bring their race and slavery into every argument.
