MovieChat Forums > Volcano (1997) Discussion > Recommend other hilarious, badly written...

Recommend other hilarious, badly written movies?

This movie was so corny it was hilarious. There were so many great cheesy moments as written in the "cheesy moments list" thread. Can anybody recommend any other movies that are unintentionally funny because of badly written lines and hilarious special effects?
And I'm not looking for b-movies or anything like that. I'm looking for movies similar to this, that has an entertaining epic story, good cast, supposedly a big budget, and yet still manages to be so corny it is impossible to take it seriously.


Dante's Peak
Day after Tomorrow
the Core
Deep Impact


I third the Core. It's amazingly bad. I replayed so many unintentionally hilarious scenes so many times it took me 3 hours to get through it.


My wife and I saw Blair Witch Project at the theater. I can't say it was hilarious, but it was really, really bad. We wonder if it was so popular because so many stupid people thought it was a real event as it claimed to be.


It came down to the format and the promise of a film with a b-film budget moving beyond that slasher genre. Blair Witch changed what horror films where (at least in the theater) at a time when Child's Play part 75 left the horror movie fans cold in their seats.

Considering the limitations set up on the film it was actually pretty well done.

I'm not one to scoff at people because I like to think different people see things differently and I hate to dismiss them as stupid but I wonder if it was so unpopular because non-horror fans went to see a horror film and couldn't comprehend the ending of it because listening to the dialogue of the film became too much to ask for most movie goers after Star Wars was made.


I think AWAKE, MEN IN BLACK II and VANTAGE POINT are close your description.


These will not fail you; this is exactly what you're looking for:

Deep Impact
Day After Tomorrow
Jurassic World


Everyone's named some good movies!

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Speed or Speed 2

Hollow Man
Deep Blue Sea
Pierce Bronson 007 Movies (loved them when I was younger, now they're corny, but still awesome)
White House Down
Lake Placid
Con Air


The Call
Max Payne
Judge Dredd
Event Horizon
Black Dog
