MovieChat Forums > Volcano (1997) Discussion > Recommend other hilarious, badly written...

Recommend other hilarious, badly written movies?

This movie was so corny it was hilarious. There were so many great cheesy moments as written in the "cheesy moments list" thread. Can anybody recommend any other movies that are unintentionally funny because of badly written lines and hilarious special effects?
And I'm not looking for b-movies or anything like that. I'm looking for movies similar to this, that has an entertaining epic story, good cast, supposedly a big budget, and yet still manages to be so corny it is impossible to take it seriously.



I've given up on this film (I agree that it's mostly terrible - one film that Tommy Lee Jones should have passed up) - too many real-life disasters out there without makin' them up...

P.S. One (one?) of the film's silliest moments comes when Geologist Barnes is standing on top of something (perhaps a truck) yelling "Kelly Roark!" to a crowd of thousands trying to escape the coming eruption...


2012 is the king of awful films like this

IMDB = Idiotic Moronic Dumb Bastards ;-) yep that's about YOU.


There are a few movies bad enough to make Volcano look like an Oscar winner:
Prophecy starring Talia shire.
Eyes Wide Shut.


I wholeheartedly agree with this list.


Eyes Wide Shut is a masterpiece though.


Roadhouse - starring Patrick Swayze


Anything with Julia Roberts.


Agreed, watched this for the second time in my life few days ago from Netflix. Didn't remember it was THAT bad! Did teenagers write the script? Who did the cheap looking special effects? Why did Mick Jackson get involved to this? When you look at his other work, like Threads, it seems he had zero creative input and was overrun by studio executives how to direct this film.


Independence Day
Absolutely moronic epic, laughriot guaranteed!


The Core is the best, horrible, big budget movie ever that doesn't make any sense. Entertaining? A bit. Is the science sound? Once or twice.
