MovieChat Forums > Turbulence (1997) Discussion > is there ANYONE besides myself, who DOES...

is there ANYONE besides myself, who DOES like it?

I think this is a very underrated movie, why does everyone hate it? Sure, its not oscar material, but I thougt it was suspenseful, entertaining and the performances were terrific. Why so many haters?


not sure, its an alrite film i think, acting is good.


good movie. they should rerelease a remastered version cuz the transfer quality really sucks and some extras too:) i dont see why they cant. after all lenord part 6 is now available on dvd lol


Very Underrated, better than it's competition. (ie "Executive Decision"). I watch this every Christmas season, it is a great ride. I actually saw this when it was in theatres in 1997. It was a double feature of "Turbulence" and "Ransom". Turbulence was shown first, and I really enjoyed it, but "Ransom" actually dissapointed me. Goes to show, some of the most badly reviewed films can be so much better than some that get critical acclaim.


I enjoyed it, though the story was kind of stupid. As in, why didn't they choose a smaller plane to transport two convicted criminals? With two aisles yet? Really wasteful of jet fuel IMHO. Why did they have so many flight attendants to take care of what few people they had on the plane? Waste of manpower in my opinion. When the psychopathic killer was strangling the stewardess, her eyes were bugging out, she was pleading for her life, coughing, trying to breathe, her face was turning blue-why didn't she fight back against him? Hit the palm of her hand against his nose. Poke his eyes out, scratch his face, instead, her hands stayed on his shoulders, calm, relaxed not even grabbing at his shirt. Was she afraid she'd hurt him?? Doesn't make any sense. Seems to me, she'd do something with her free hands even if it didn't do any good. Why didn't the marshall watch what Stubbs was doing with his hands when he was washing them? Well, there would be no story then. But still.....

Ray Liotta's performance redeemed it, he made such a perfect psychopathic killer.

Stop yelling at the computer, it's scaring the children


I realy liked it as well. I would kill for a better DVD or better yet HD-DVD.

The way it works now you can have:

Widescreen (Non anamorphic) Stereo Sound Region 2


Full Screen 5.1 Sound Region 1

It's a bit of a mess realy and cleraly intended to sell more

There comes a time to put away childhood things. But some things just won't stay put!


I really like it as well. I always catch it at like 2am on TBS, and always end up getting hooked into it until 4am.


i agree. it was an entertaining movie.



I just saw it this morning on TBS and I loved it!!! Ray Liotta is a great actor, and I love the way "Terri" took immediate control to land the plane. It goes to show those Air Traffic Control people that Flight Attendants can fly a plane!



people say they hate it because they expect every movie oscar material for it to be good. Turbulence isnt a movie id put on my fave movie list but it is good entertainment. its good to see a movie like this every once in a while

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I love it. Liotta is absolutely great and it's a blast to see him have a role where he can go totally hog-wild. I own a copy and could watch it a thousand times, probably.

I love to love my Lisa.


I like it too. Its a fun movie with some good action. 7/10



Just seen it and really enjoyed it. Not a dull spot in the film.


Just watched this for the first time. Loved it. One of the best B movies I have seen for a long time. Ray Liotta was amazing in this. Starting off calm and I believed he was set up as he claimed and was going to save the day, then he went bat sh!t crazy and took the
Character to a whole new level. A great actor at playing a psycho like John Travolta and Nicholas Cage. Ray Liotta made this film very memorable when it should have been just another good B movie. Even the effects were better than I thought they would be. The film should be 6/10 but Ray Liotta's performance gets an extra star so 7/10.
