We saw some pictures of Rose's life at the end of the movie. I thought about her seeing all the times changing.
For example, she would already have been very old by the 1960s. Was she a "cool" old lady with the hippies? Or "appalled" by them?
Even when rock and roll first became popular? Do you think she would be, "Let's hear something new" Or talking about how much "better" the music of her time was?
Equal rights movements - for them or against them?
So after the 1912 disaster, she would have moved to Wisconsin and married a dairy farmer, and reminisced of what could have been being a part of the Chippewa Falls Dawson's family.
According to both the photos, the fact that she still had the diamond, and what the guy with the glasses said, she had quite a life after leaving Titanic. She started out with literally nothing and worked her way up. She was an actress for years, probably did modeling, fell in love with a guy named Calvert, married him, and moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, settled down, and had two children with him.
The photos also show that she did all the things she talked about wanting to do with Jack, like riding a horse astride, and basically breaking all the rules of her upbringing. And she seems to have loved every minute of it.
Seeing as she was something of a rebel and still seemed to be wearing bohemian-style clothing into her 90s, I'd say she welcomed the newer, radical cultures that came in during the 60s and 70s, but she probably didn't do anything super-risky at that time, due to her age.