MovieChat Forums > Steel (1997) Discussion > Worst Comicbook movie....EVER

Worst Comicbook movie....EVER

I mean it when I say it, this movie sucks. I f any one can think of a worse one I wish I could hear it.



"I mean it when I say it, this movie sucks. I f any one can think of a worse one I wish I could hear it."

try to state something other than the obvious next time. thanks.


Just want to ask a question. I know this movie was real bad but was it meant to have been set in the time when Superman was no longer alive? Can someone who knows their comic books answer me this. If I remember rightly isn't Connor Kent (aka Superboy) around who is supposed to be Superman's clone or something meant to be one of 3 or 4 people trying to carry on Superman's work of fighting crime along with Steel and others or does it have nowt to do with it. Could someone clear this up for me. Thank You!


Somehow or anopther Barb Wire has a lower rating than this. Barb Wire is not a good movie, but at least it is watchable. This is tripe for anyone over 9.

"Ford, I feel like a sofa."
--Arthur Dent


Hahahahahaha....Hahaha..haha etc.



When I hear all you speak I then know you havent watched Punisher and yeah Steel pretty much sucked but it was better than Superman 3 or Supergirl


Not only does this movie suck, it turned fans off to Steel. Steel is actually a very cool superhero. Some call him the black Superman.



This movie as terrible, but, it did have some very good actors in it. Annabeth Gish, Judd Nelson and Richard Roundtree were good. Shaquille O'Neal is a terrible actor. He's not convincing in anything he's in.

The movie had poor direction, bad acting by Shaquille O'Neal, bad story that resembled nothing from the comics(sadly) and stupid dialogue. It felt like a TV Movie. I can't understand how the WB gave this movie the greenlight.


batman and robin
batman forever
superman 3
hulk 2003

were all worse than steel.....

Heath Ledger - 1979-2008
'You'll be missed'


dunno about Catwoman but all the others were better

this is really one of the worst movies ever made


Steel and SuperGirl are the 2 worst comicbook movies


Elektra was actually better than Daredevil. Back on topic, this SUCKED.


"Elektra was actually better than Daredevil."


No one on this board has even made refference to "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace", quite possibly, the reason no one tried to make a decent comic book movie until Burton's Batman. The reason Gene Hackman was still in it is beyond me.

"It's called hope, and it's an elaborate metaphore, douchebag" - Zach


That would be because "Superman IV: the Quest for Peace" could have been a pretty good movie. The story wasn't overly terrible, it had the right actors (bringing back Lex), and it had the funding but the studio didn't spend all the money on Superman and instead spread the money around on their other movies as well. I mean watch the movie, it doesn't necessarily feel as terrible as Superman III(due to the comedic addition) but it just has an overall feeling of being extremely cheap. So Hackman probably saw reason to stay on... why he stayed after seeing what they were doing with his 80s-kid-nephew and Nuclear Man spinning people in the air as his big attack I will never know.

I would agree with a poster from above that nominated Nick Fury (with David Hasselhoff). I caught it on one of the Encore channels one night and it was completely unwatchable. I can at least tolerate watching Steel although it really gives me no pleasure.
