MovieChat Forums > Starship Troopers (1997) Discussion > Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but

Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but

I really love this movie, and I think it has held up well.
Saw this back in ‘99 on a VHS tape recorded from late night HBO before I was even a teenager.
I consider this my generation’s Robocop (actual Robocop was a bit before my time), and I am happy to have had it. (This is a nineties kid Verhoeven action film, is what I mean)
I give it a rewatch every couple of years and have not ceased to enjoy the ride. It’s fun, the story is crisp and well told, the cgi is perfectly blended with practical effects, and the fictional world is believably ridiculous in the best possible way.
Because I first saw it at such a young age, the social commentary and satire completely blew past my mind. I saw it as simple ‘heroes vs. villains’. But there is so much more than that in this film.
On my most recent rewatch, I decided to view the whole thing from a neutral standpoint—not rooting for anyone, no heroes or villains. Instead, just beings who are operating based on set rules that neither side fully understand, and yet they are compelled to operate as such.
Still, I was captivated by the character relationships and drawn into the world, and I enjoyed the ride.
That is all.
Highly recommended.


Yeah, I thought so too, action, comedy and hot girls, pure entertainment.

I thought the nailing hand with knife scene was hilarious.


The knife in the hand scene is iconic!


It’s great. In a sane world Hollywood would be tossing projects at Verhoeven, one of the most exciting and successful directors out there, but after Hollow Man they basically gave him the boot.

Which is ridiculous because HM is a perfectly entertaining little sci-fi horror with incredible effects.


Completely agree about ‘Hollow Man’. One of my faves (also a flick I caught at a young age, albeit via DVD instead)!
Even though Verhoeven isn’t currently getting a bunch of work in Hollywood, that which exists is still iconic. The dude’s a legend, and rightfully so.


"Hollow Man" got terrible reviews. I saw it and not only were the effects poor, but the who thing was like a lousy TV episode.


Can’t disagree more with you here. (but hey, to each their own)
The effects were awesome, especially for its time: disappearing slowly layer by layer, from muscles through circulatory down to skeleton—silhouette darting around under the sprinklers—half-charred and still invisible, etc. Not to mention the plain ‘ol blood and guts practical effects.
Hollow Man is campy fun, with T&A and a gloriously psychopathic Kevin Bacon, and I’ll take that any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
“The reviews were terrible” . . . So what? Critics are snobs anyway.


It is a great classic science fiction movie - one of the best.


Cheers to that! 🍻


I thought so too but It is genuinely amazing. Freaking loved it so much as a kid.

I was afraid to watch it as an adult, thinking it was gonna be a dumb alien/bug shooting movie but it's hands down one of the best sci-fi films of all time.


Glad I’m not the only one who shares this sentiment!


It's brilliant, and the visual effects are excellent.




Yes, its one of those 'perfect movies' where everything just comes together to create a classic 10/10 movie. like Robocop, Total Recall, Basic Instinct (I'm sensing a pattern here) but also The Godfather, Jaws, Star Wars, Raiders, The Terminator, BTTF, Aliens, Jurassic Park, The Matrix etc you know the ones


There's a whole new perspective to this movie once you realise that humans are the villains and the bugs are actually just a species fighting for their territory. The whole spiel about about bugs "hurling their spawn" thousands of lightyears to Earth with pinpoint accuracy is utter nonsense that humans have been brainwashed into believing in order to gear them up for an unjustified war. One of the scariest things about this movie is the bit about the "murderer" who is caught in the morning, tried and sentenced in the afternoon, and his execution is live on TV in the evening. Lol, whaaaat???? That's insane. What kind of society tunes in to watch executions??? And why are executions advertised like game shows or sports events? Such a clean, beautiful future on the surface, but really nasty when you think about it. This is easily one of the best satires or sci-fi movies of all time.


There's a whole new perspective to this movie once you realise that humans are the villains and the bugs are actually just a species fighting for their territory.

Humans were shown only acting on self defense when they were being attacked, at least in the beginning bugs were thought as mindless wild life. At best this is about 2 species fighting for their own survival.

It is weird to see someone can be that twisted.


Do you not remember the part just before the invasion of Klendathu, about 54 minutes into the movie, when that reporter says to the camera: "Some say that the bugs were provoked by the intrusion of humans into their natural habitat. That a live and let live policy is preferable to war with the bugs"? Then Rico, because he has been brainwashed into thinking that this is a righteous war, juts in and says, "Let me tell you something. I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill 'em all!" Rico has drunk the propaganda Kool-aide to the extent that he's not even willing to consider that maybe humans are the ones who instigated this war.

Here's a tip: Earth is located on one side of the Milky Way Galaxy, while Klendathu is situated on the other side, tens of thousands of lightyears away. A meteor shot from Klendathu to Earth would take millions of years to get here. This isn't a plothole. Paul Verhoeven, the director, has a degree in physics, and he knows this. That, for me, is proof that the entire war is a farce and that humans are the villains in this movie. In the Starship Troopers universe, everyone literally dresses like Nazis, for crying out loud.


You have to be a troll craving responses, anyway this is getting really silly.


Lol, whatever. Goodbye.


I don't quite understand why you were accused of being a troll, since you made some valid points.


How many sock accounts do you have?

If you really wanted to know that you would have replied to my post.


I am honestly not a sock (I don't have the time or the inclination). I was just reading the thread, as this is one of my favourite films and saw what I thought was an odd interaction from two posters.

Looking at it from a neutral point of view, I couldn't understand why the thread went in the direction that it did. I'm not one for fighting - life is really too short.


I couldn't understand why the thread went in the direction that it did.

Well, someone was trying to push a bullshit narrative on a movie I liked, and it was not even original, it was the same bullshit narrative pushed by the main stream media decades ago.

He did not even have the honesty to quote those articles, he just repeats the same old narrative even more incoherently. Who does that if not a paid shill?


As I said below, I'll leave it at, it's a great film that can be interpreted in many different ways.


As I don't like the movie at all - WAY too much stupid obedience in it, people acting as self-aware as effin' ants - I appreciate your point of view.


Thanks for the level-headed reply. This movie is intentionally the way way you perceived it. It really helps watching it with the director's commentary, just to see what his intention was. That's the reason I love Starship Troopers so much.


You guys have to be bots trying to create a propaganda narrative. The responses between you 2 are so fast looking more like sock puppet account operations. But with me you were a lot slower.

For humans to be the bad guys there has to be something they want, some form of valuable resources, but there wasn't.

I understand that in the movie there is a form of democracy that rich people have no political influence, because they are not citizens.

So ever since the release of this movie there were people like you trying to create a propaganda narrative that this is a satire. So motivated and passionate the only explanation I can conclude is that you guys are paid to do this.

I guess you see a thread praising this movie you just have to control the narrative again, well, that is the power of wealth, the paid voices are rampant in this place, and on social media in general.


Meh, whatever. Maybe you should fasten that tinfoil hat you're wearing a little tighter. It's explained in the novel that this movie is based on that the world is overpopulated, and two of the reasons for perpetuating this war is 1) population control (hence the very ineffective weapons the mobile infantry is armed with), and 2) a different kind of population control, ie keeping people distracted by the war so that they don't realize how fucked up the society they live in is.

If you really think I am a bot, please don't reply. Let's just go our separate ways. Goodbye again.


Well, this is a movie I liked. I hate people like you trying to ruin it with your political agenda, also I hate paid shills just happen to be everywhere in this place.

The book and the movie are not the same, go do the review for the book, stop harassing people here.


I actually don't think that damocci was trolling - this film operates on many levels. If you dig beneath the surface, there's a lot of social and political commentary; some obvious, some subtle, some humorous. That's what makes this such a brilliant fim.


Nobody is that passionate about things like this, and no, there isn't much of that in the movie. Whatever the original book was about, this is just a silly sci-fi movie, but apparently it touched the nerve about rich people have no right to vote, suddenly it is a satire, it has to be.

His narrative is so forced I can see from a mile away that he is a paid shill.


OK, I'll leave it at, it's a great film that can be interpreted in many different ways.


That's what I love about Paul Verhoeven's movies. They are full of ambiguity. He doesn't preach morality.


Yes, it turns out people want, no crave, no NEED fascism. It works.


I think a lot of people misuse the word 'fascism', so far the academics have tried and nobody can clearly define what fascism is. It is like nailing jelly to the wall they say.

On internet the right wing people say it is a left wing thing, the left wing people says it is the right wing.

But in the end nobody really knows what it is.

Anyway I think you were just trying to sling mud at this movie. Another bot I am guessing, or is it just yet another sock account?


Save yourself any confusion. The left can't define anything right and prove it pretty much daily. They're idiots and completely lack self awareness like the true narcissists they are. So many mental issues, they're not even worth saving, and should be sterilized.


Saying things like that is not doing conservatism any favours, at least educate yourself what liberalism is, here is something I wrote before maybe could help:


That wouldnt be educating myself. That would be making myself stupider if I believed that garbage. Pure cope and nonsense.


Very good. Now I know you obviously don't have the intelligence to carry out a normal conversation, I can put you on my ignore list.


Yep, genius, everybody who does not like this movie is a bot or has a sock account.


Not the people don't like this movie, just people who have an agenda to push.

And the people applauding to an obvious bullshit narrative too quickly.


I don't see anything in this movie than glorification of military. Something I never like. Damocci at least tried to find some deeper meaning in it. And he even says that he loves this film.
So what is your rant about?


I honestly don't understand fc31's problem. I literally watched the entire movie with Paul Verhoeven's commentary on (something fc31 clearly hasn't done), hence why I think this movie is a work of genius. But I'm a bot.


This is in my Top Ten films of all time.
