MovieChat Forums > Three Kings (1999) Discussion > Three Kings or Jarhead?

Three Kings or Jarhead?

Three Kings hands down!




Three Kings.

Jarhead was awful. The only two "jarheads" I know (and I quote...I don't call them that) thought Jarhead sucked.


I am in the military and I like Jarhead best.Three kings is too..unrealistic,you cant really compare the two,Jarhead I can relate to the most...
All you civvies just bash Jarhead because its almost no action in it,it just focuses on the boredom,which is more true to reality than Three kingg..being in the military aint just running and shooting and doing stuff all rambo style,in fact its minimum 90 % and the rest is fear and more boredom,puntuaded by exercises,PT or sheer terror..
so Shut up about Jarhead,its a good movie,and the Desert storm werent that much ground action anyway...people didnt get to *beep* that much *beep* up then from the ground as OIF today..


Respect for giving us the word from the military. I loved both films, although I can appreciate that Three Kings pushes more filmic, fantasy, emotional buttons.
I think Jarhead is full of action - just not the bang-crash-wallop variety. It's about a journey and all those shades of grey that we don't make allowances in war - as outsiders. And it made me think about why people become soldiers.
And I still don't understand why, beyond the obvious stuff about defending your country & way of life. But then, the prospect of taking orders gives me nightmares. Anyway, props to you, dude and may you come home safe, if you're overseas.




Can't really compare the two. Apples and oranges. Jarhead was more closer to reality of being in the Gulf War for the daily grind than Three Kings but Three Kings was more "funner" to watch.


Agreed. Jarhead was a Drama while Three Kings was a Black Comedy.

Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to overdose on marijuana... though many have tried.


I prefer Three Kings because of it's dark comedy and comic relief throughout the movie.


Three Kings, it revolutionised the War film genre. There just simply wouldn't be a Jarhead without Three Kings imo.
Dodge This .


Three Kings by a mile!

