I like this movie and don't see why it get's bashed so much. I never read the comics or anything so I don't know if that's a major sticking point or anything, but even a lot of critics seem to hate it which I doubt that many read the comics either.
Ever feel the chill in an epic moment in an epic action film?
This film was a childhood fave for me , I loved it as a kid and I've just found the DVD fairly cheap in HMV for 7 pounds so I can't wait until I watch it later!
I can understand the bashing a bit. The effects themselves are hit-and-miss, Malebolgia being THE biggest miss. The acting isn't Oscar-worthy, but it certainly isn't the worst I've ever seen in a movie. I honestly found this closer to the books than the HBO series was. Now, I love Spawn: The Animated Series, but the only thing they really do is just add cursing and sex, which wasn't really all that present in the book. That's also not to say cursing and sex is a bad thing. :P
Plot was terrible? You're telling me that a man gets killed, sent to hell, get's demon powers, and wants revenge, and an evil demon clown helping him along the way is a terrible plot? It sounds like the badass version of Batman. :) And I actually enjoyed this movie and even bought the R rated version.
Plot was terrible? You're telling me that a man gets killed, sent to hell, get's demon powers, and wants revenge, and an evil demon clown helping him along the way is a terrible plot? It sounds like the badass version of Batman. :) And I actually enjoyed this movie and even bought the R rated version.
^^This LOL I loved this film, it wasn't perfect but it was entertaining. Lequizamo clearly stole the show, Sheen, White & Williamson were good too.
"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens. reply share
Sure, people rag on the CGI but, from my understanding, New Line was only willing to give up a certain amount of money toward that budget. Reportedly, that's why the Malebolgia CGI suffered.
Honestly, I didn't mind it much at all. The movie seemed to know what it wanted to be & managed to do just that.
If I remember correctly, I got into the comic book & animated HBO series AFTER I saw the movie but I enjoy them all!
I haven't kept up with the comic books over the years but I DO want to see a sequel to the movie (with Michael Jai White & the original cast, if possible) and it'd be great to see the HBO series continue or, at the least, be concluded!
I actually read your reply 2 days ago but, with work being busy & my laptop having died a week ago, my responses on the web have been slow. My bad.
I appreciate you sharing that link! I'm going to post it on my FaceBook!
Much obliged.
Honestly, I think if M.J. White worked with the likes of people such as Christopher Nolan or Guillermo del Toro on a Spawn 2 & they got input (or at least blessings) from Todd McFarlane, I think the movie could rock.
For now, I'll just catch up on some Spawn comic books!
It is terrible that's why. Poor script, acting and CGI (Looks like it was made in a hurry using 3D Max - my animation style is like that) You can tell this film was made for a quick buck and it blew up in their faces. Its potential was never truly realised
I have this in my comic book movie collection, but I would say its on the lower bottom. There is many things I enjoy about it, but some things could of been better. I think I do like the story behind the animated series more then in the movie. Although the series had more time to develop the story then the movie.