MovieChat Forums > Spawn (1997) Discussion > The real reason Spawn didnt make it

The real reason Spawn didnt make it

the real reason Spawn didnt make it, is nobody wants to see a black super hero movie. A black cop movie, ok. A black vietnam war hero, ok. A black comic book hero? Nope. Never gonna work. It's just not a black market. It's like black WW2 movies, nobody cares except a small amount of the black community. White people have more than they can digest of their own war heroes, they dont want or need a black one.

Say what you will, but that's the truth.


So it has nothing to do with the fact that it's a really bad movie by any standard?

You might have a point if it was an underrated movie with something that makes it worth watching. If it was a good movie, then it would be less popular because the mainstream audience wants to see superhero movies where the good guy wins.

Personally I was curious to see what this one would be like as I normally love superhero movies, but it was about as disappointing as I could imagine.


you want to see a really bad movie go watch black ribbon, spawn was great movie. i enjoyed it much more than, say, superman movies.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


Evening peeps, It's time I throw in my hard earned .48 cents. Spawn, for what it was, was simply entertaining. Hate me or like me, just don't misunderstand my interpretation of the film. I never read the comics but heard of the character and seen images of the action figures around the film's release in Summer '97.
So I went into the theater with an open mind (I ordered a large popcorn with butter and a large sprite). I was optimistic. And as for "No one wants to see a Black superhero" WTF???, have you ever heard of a character named Bruce Leroy? How about John Henry (That's pushing it, but he has proved to many individuals colored or not, over the years that he (John Henry) regularly comes off as a "Black Superhero" among African-Americans and fellow american citizens.

Either you're a troll or simply gestated when it comes to a "Colored" individual gracing either the Big screen or the Small screen.

Now as for Spawn, my reason the film not doing well was primarily due to
limited mainstream exposure (Blade debuted a year later), also, the advertising was in the realms of RoboCop 3 -- Again, limited exposure to the general public, yet the film turned in a profit many months after its theatrical release.

All in all, I think you're a troll looking for attention, in the end try not to insult others that are more intelligent than you are OP, Bye now :)


i believe you pressed the wrong reply button, you probably wanted to reply to original poster.

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)


My bad bro!


nope, just a bad movie was all.


I seem to recall three movies starring Wesley Snipes called "Blade". He's based off a comic book and people flocked to see the movies in theaters. Hmm...


^ Pwned.... LOL

Hey Sully, do remember when I said that I would kill you last?....................I LIED!


OP.... are you serious? just because black (or female for that matter) superheroes are still a vast minority, doesnt mean that's why noone wants to see them. as far as black, John Stewart is my favorite Green Lantern based on how straight laced (semper fi!) he is, and how incredibly powerful he is, even over the power of his ring. & i'd love to see him in a GL movie. so color has very little to do with it. maybe you're just the one who doesnt want to see color on your screen ;)


I seem to recall three movies starring Wesley Snipes called "Blade". He's based off a comic book and people flocked to see the movies in theaters. Hmm...

^^This LOL But in the OP's defense, Blade came out the following year and it had Snipes and all kinds of awesomeness & badassery. Spawn was badass in the film but seemed like most people didn't like it because of the CGI and stayed away from it. I really liked Spawn and thought it was awesome. I much preferred Blade and it's sequels but I still believe Spawn's a good film, before Blade, alot of other black superhero films didn't do well. Blade even kick started the Marvel films even though people forget that and put it on X-Men or Spider-Man, Blade clearly started the successful chain of Marvel comics films.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Really? Blade did pretty awesome, so did Hancock, and just about every other Wesley Snipes/Will Smith hero movie. Spawn should be black, thats the Spawn most people know. Its refreshing to see a black super hero instead of all these white guys (i am white btw) thats why people WILL see a remake of this movie. Spawn is a badass, as long as they make a trailer showcasing blood, gore, and lots of violence this movie will be a hit even if spawn was asian.


To the op did 'Blade' slip your mind? thats a pretty big ball to drop.
the comic world is full of Black superhroes/villans and story and character wise some good some bad much like the white or Alien counter parts.

Maby the better Black characters need more screen time but as far as Spawn being Black, that was the least of his/the films problems.


oh snap!!!!!!!!! if was not for blades killing it both box office and critics...... all the other comic book flicks would still be options rights owned by the studios!!!!!!!! Blade made the studio go into production of the options.......




umm..and Will Smith :S He's like the biggest star in Hollywood lol.

for me, what made this movie poor was the acting (except Leguizamo, he's great) and the writing. The effects weren't great either, but for its time it was considered a worthy effort.

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That is bulls*it! Blade is an excellent character and it was developed successfully as a movie adaptation, at least the first two installments of the franchise, and a decent but short-lived live-action series on Spike TV, which I think was cancelled too fast.

HBO's animated "Spawn" series was awesome, but cut short when it was getting interesting, and was left without at least somekind of resolution. I own all three seasons in the form of the 10th aniversary set in a neat metal box with cool graphics etc. I could have watched more and more.

What about Afro Samurai? There are two great anime/manga style movies ("Afro Samurai" and "Afro Samurai Resurrection"). I have both movies and they are excellent, amazing animation, soundtrack, voice acting etc.

The problem with "Spawn" the movie, was simple, it stunk!!! First of all the PG-13 rating was a freaking cope-out, it dilluted the movie and the elements of the character and story that could be included. That movie should have been rated a hard R, because at least it would have been better if it could have counted with its core audience and comic book fans! Instead the movie failed to attract any new fans and it alienated most of the already established ones.

Plus, the movie itself was terrible, the special FX and the CGI (with the exception of Spawn himself) were second rate, the editing was just crap, it was so botched that at times the story made no sense whatsoever...The cast was allright with some exceptions, the best were Michael Jai White, John Leguizamo and Martin Sheen, the rest, like Theresa Randle (pretty enough but not really like her character, at least physically), DB Sweeney and the rest were not impressive in the least.

While CGI effects were not yet common place in 1997, and still inspired something akin to awe, there had been several movies that clearly showed that CGI could be of high quality even back then. "Terminator 2", "Jurassic Park", "Independence Day" and "Men In Black" are such examples, even TV series like "Space Above And Beyond", "Earth 2" and the "Star Trek" shows made quite effective use of CGI.

It is true that there are not many African American superheroes, but in this case I just think that the movie was s*it and that is why not many people paid it any attention.

Besides there are other Black superheroes...come on man, you know! Dudes lile "Meteor Man", "Handiman", "Homey The Clown" and "Blankman" (Damon Wayans in "In Living Colour" and the movie with the same title), Shaquille O'Neal as "Steel" and "Kazaam" and others...just kidding!

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


The fact that the Spawn comic is so popular throws out your argument about black comic book heroes.

