Favorite Scene???

I don't care what the critics say, I like this movie.

My favorite scene is the one of Simon and Emma in the restaurant. Simon, posing as Thomas More, begins to do a reading of Emma. He tells her that she has a weak heart, can't cook to save her life, and loves fish. Then Emma tells Simon she wants to try doing this. She begins to tell him about how he is running away from his past and how he doesn't have to be afraid of who he is because he is beautiful. What makes this scene so magical is Simon broke into Emma's apartment to learn about her, but she was able to divine who he was through her purity of heart and honesty. Great Scene!




The first 20 minutes or so have always been my favorite. While Kilmer and Shue's scenes are great, everything from the orphanage to Simon stealing a microchip and making his escape is captivating. And I always wish we got to see more of the latter -- Simon's spy gear was rad.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I liked the bookended cold fusion mumbo jumbo scenes the best, I think. That and when he was disguised as Tretiak.

The grave is no bar to my call.
