I have never said anything about suicide on IMDB. Ever. You know you're lying.
I know you're lying. Which is pretty easy for you to do, since your terrible attitude and aggressive posting style led to that entire thread being deleted.
What on earth are you on about?
That was you playing dumb.
Nope, that was me expressing my usual inability to decipher what you were trying to say. You'll notice that the response was not about anyone's use of the word "homophobe". I quoted
exactly the portion of your post to which I was responding.
I have given you your chance to explain yourself, and you do naught but go on about you want to annoy me. You are an idiot...
Really? This is what I said: "I'm not annoyed. I am giving you a piece of advice. You wanted to know how we could "settle" this, whatever "this" is. I'm just telling you that an important first step to settling this - or settling anything - would be to actually listen to what the other person is saying, instead of TELLING THEM how they feel."
Where in that response did I "go on about" how I "want to annoy" you?
This is why I call you a liar who refuses to actually read the content of the post to which you are responding. Kind of ironic, since this paragraph you're completely ignoring is
about the fact that you refuse to listen to what people are actually telling you.
Yes, because you're weak, immature, fragile and insecure...and also a pathological liar.
So, am I lying about the fact that I enjoy annoying you? Try to make a little sense once in a while, little powderkeg.
You, little weakling, are unable to grasp that you are the "powderkeg".
You follow me around because you are easy to anger, and this is your feeble attempt at getting revenge...
Nope, I just like to check in with you every few weeks, to make sure you haven't offed yourself.
because you can't be a man and come out, plainly and simple, how exactly I'm wrong.
Please rewrite this so that it contains information and not just words.
And YOU are supposed to be mature? What a laugh!
Who said I was supposed to be mature? Mature is boring. I have fun.
Sometimes...I wish there really were moderators on IMDB. I could stomach toning down my vitriol just so that you would be banned for stalking me.
You could always leave. Or stop acting like such a twat.
I WILL tell what you are if you continue to harass me and insult my intelligence with your petulant bullschit, yes.
And you will always be wrong. If you like being wrong, then keep it up. If you would prefer to accomplish something, then try talking to people like human beings, instead, and respect the fact that other people are not all exactly like you.
Because it doesn't take a genius to understand you're an insecure idiot with this "powderkeg" routine.
You're absolutely right. A genius would know better.
"Powderkeg"? Is that all you have?! You're nothing without your stupid lie, aren't you?
If you want to convince people that you aren't a powderkeg, then screaming at me in boldface is probably the wrong tactic.
Wanting to kill you is in no way, shape or form anything comparable to pathologically lying and pretending things did and did not happen.
Who made that comparison?
At least I have a firm grip on reality, nor do I possess the psychological weaknesses you display with your tactics.
Wrong on the first count. You believe that all citizens of each country display identical character traits, and you treat them accordingly. That is about as far from reality as you can get, and implies that your interactions with actual human beings are extremely limited.
Like lying about how I want to commit suicide over a forum...
That's not what I said. You talked about suicide several times, but I never said it was "over a forum".
So does this mean you're finally going to make an argument without trying to pretend that you're here for some lame attempt at sadism?
Finally? Try "again". I have made this argument to you OVER AND OVER again. You got the Kick Ass thread deleted, but the entire South Park thread is still there. And this is a point which made many times in that thread as well, but you simply ignore it.
You know the thing is...I don't actually care if anyone says "All Australians are criminals", and any other Australian with a decent level of intellect would laugh at that. Yes, a lot of Australians used to be criminals, but we obviously are all past that now. I don't particularly like my country, but we are one of the most developed countries in the world, nearly equalling Norway.
But Americans...are different. They get extremely defensive over anything criticising their country. They, more than any other people I've seen, throw themselves into a box and treat any sort of cultural criticism as a personal insult. So they do it to themselves most of all.
And there you go again. All Americans are the same. You are such a hypocrite, Aidan.
If you were so individual and free, then why would you get offended at a generalisation of America? Have you even questioned that?
Actually, I have addressed this with you several times, as well. The first point is, "I'm not". I'm not offended at the generalisation of Americans. I just think it's a waste of time, because any generalisation of an entire citizenship is
completely inaccurate, so why bother? It doesn't make sense. You accomplish nothing.
Until you realise that, you will never understand why I abhor so many Americans.
I already know.
You think this is just over some kids in a computer game?
Yes I do.
But even so, you fail to realise in a game like World of Warcraft, you get to socialise and know people from a country more.
Whatever. It's a game. It's not
real, Aidan, and doesn't accurately represent real people. It represent the anonymous behavior of the small cross-section of people who happen to enjoy that kind of game.
I like many Americans, but most of them, in my opinion, are very brainwashed, childish and insecure.
Yes, since most of the gamers are, essentially, children.
I am learning to realise I'm not going to make them see their ways, just like I can't with you or this bloke, so I'm giving this up.
Then why get offended at all at myself saying that Americans are juvenile and brainwashed?
I don't. I just find it frustrating that you would prefer to be wrong than to learn something truthful.
And to me, they are. A very large portion are like this.
Maybe. But you wouldn't know, because A) you only know the gamers and B) you do not listen to other people, so you cannot possibly know what they are really like. Since the very first time we interacted, Aidan, you have been
telling me what I think and
telling me how I feel. This has been your MO with every poster I have seen you interacting with on these boards. You
cannot know what "a very large portion" of
anybody is like, because you never give them the opportunity to reveal themselves to you, and you do not hear, understand, or empathise with them. Not really. You decide how they are, and you treat them accordingly.
If you were telling the truth that you possess a strong individual, then you would not have started this and you would feel proud to go beyond defining yourself from the country you grew up in.
I do no such thing. I
am an American, but as I have told you (and as you have refused to hear, over and over again) I have no particular love for my country. It is merely an accident of birth. I didn't pick it. I just deal with it because this is where I was born and raised, where my family and my partner live, and where my business is located. I am always quick to criticize America and my opinions of American people can be as low as yours. The difference is that my opinions are based on real life interactions with a variety of American citizens whom I see every day. And though I often find them to be horrible people and can certainly be ashamed to lumped into the same category as them, I do
not believe them to be
all the same. I can hate as hard as you can, Aidan, but if I hate ten people then I will hate them each for their own individual reasons, and not because I have conveniently placed them under a heading where they are easy to label and dismiss.
Why do you lump yourself into a box like the others do?
You're the one lumping me into a box, Aidan. And I don't know why you do it. You'll have to ask yourself that question.
I am the sod-off shotgun.