I dont see what you are complaining about... Black men are depicted as masculine sexual beings who please any woman.. esp if they are white.
See, that I can't agree with, at least not entirely. To be honest, pretty much any leading man in any major film is going to please the woman he's with. Have they ever shown James Bond to
not please a woman he was with? Heading South might be the only recent exception, but that was a French film so it doesn't count
Hollywood seems more prone to produce a film where a black man appears as gay, asexual, or in a fat suit and makes a fool out of himself than to make a deeply romantic film with a black male lead regardless of what color the other woman is.
Hancock will be out pretty soon, and when I saw that Charlize Theron was in it I said to myself "well, there's no Eva Mendes in this so Will Smith won't be gettin' any". Denzel and Smith are the two biggest black male Hollywood stars and they hardly ever get the girl, unless she's Eva Mendes. Whereas actors like Kevin James and even Philip Seymour Hoffman (who I think is a great actor) regularly get to play characters that have onscreen relationships with attractive women and even get to do graphic love scenes from time to time (ie Before The Devil Knows You're Dead).
I remember when I listened to the DVD commentary to The Day After Tomorrow where they pointed out a very brief scene where a man (black) kisses his wife (white) goodbye and how the studio kept asking if that scene really needed to be in and if the producers would take it out. And the angle is so weird I hadn't even noticed it the first time I saw, so it just goes to show how even the slightest hint of such a relationship still turns people (studio execs at least) off.
And I know this post is long, but just to go back to Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, I think it's hysterical how in the original film they made a point to mention the couple didn't have sex (even though she wanted to, because black men turn down sex from white women
all the time in movies) but in the remake where the races were reversed that wasn't the case.
How about a movie where a white woman romances an Asian man.. Not too many of them.
I saw a film not too long ago called Shanghai Kiss (
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0469184/) which I enjoyed.
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