MovieChat Forums > Mimic (1997) Discussion > the bug kids (spoiler)

the bug kids (spoiler)

Was any else just a little shocked when those two little kids bit the dust.
I mean, it was good, they deserved it, but i don't think in any movie I've seen a kid's been killed like that. Occasionally one dies of a disease or something, but getting horribly ripped apart by mr bug man, I mean, shock much.
And also, maybe I didn't notice it, but I iddn't see any women get killed. Maybe this movie had a bit of the Jurassic Park syndrome (a woman's never been killed in those ones either)


I thought that was he**ofa funny! I'd never expect that from such a movie!
Laughed my as* of!

--- BE TROLL 2!!! ---


I didn't feel the scene with the kids being killed as anything special at all. Looking back I suppose it was because I am a biologist and I expect that predators will prefer to attack the weakest preys. And in the film the children didn't even were preys, they were invading the nest!!A4F38CCBF7246EAC!380.entryJornadas rol Castellon



yep.. I sat there and yawned and thought yeah right.. they are going to run off.. but then they were torn to pieces and I was actually (shame on me) pleasently surprised.. kid's gets it almost all of his films.. except ofcourse the hollywood ones


Ah, it's old news. Recent horror movies are often based on breaking the old rules of the genre. Actually, it's used as a gag in some newer movies.

Take Feast (2005), for example: it has a simple premise made awesome just by inserting black humor and unconventional characters - your usual good-looking white "hero" guy storms in, says "I'm the one who's going to save your asses-" before his head gets bitten off (and he's only been in the movie for 30 seconds or so).

Also, a kid gets swallowed whole, digested and his remains vomited on people.

I guess the Hollywood horror rules mainly apply to '70s and '80s slasher films. After self-mocking movies like Scream became popular, the genre had undergone a reform of sorts. Now you can hardly watch a horror that doesn't kill a kid/animal/baby/pregnant woman, etc.


Yeah, I was going to say what czyz said- "Sabotage" did it in 1936... I watched it for the first time last year, and I must admit it shocked me. I've been so programmed to expect the kid to be fine that the sudden death was jarring. From what I've read, Hitchcock sometimes regretted doing it, but it's an effective film, even if it's not as good as what he would do later.


I'm surprised no one's mentioned The Blob (1988) yet. A kid gets graphically dissolved (and with a closeup) by the blob on camera...but that kid also had it coming.

Also, I don't think the kids were killed in Relic.


Also, I don't think the kids were killed in Relic.
Yes, kids were killed in Relic.


I'm surprised no one has brought up Pet Sematary. The main character's toddler son being his by a Gas Truck and later coming back to life and killing people then gets set on fire


In the movie Feast a kid is killed. I was very surprised. Since I am not crazy about kids in horror movies, sci-fi, mysteries, westerns, drama's...wait I guess I am not crazy about kids in most movies since they are usually smart azz's who talk to the adults like they are idiots I was pleasently surprised to see they got rid of 2 in Mimic


I'm glad they killed off the kids, Hollywood usually doesn't have the balls for that. Even though it happens all the time in real life.



Killing kids is not new. Dawn of the Dead (1977) explicitly shot and killed a boy and girl right in the forehead.
