Nick Van Owen, is the singular cause of all the misery and death that occurs on the island. When Malcolm and his intrepid team A encounter the other Ingen Team B, they had everything under control.
Team B had communication with the outside world, they had a secure perimeter, and everything was going smoothly.
While the movie tries to make it seem like Team B is evil, let's look at the facts: they captured every dinosaur humanely. They used tranq darts, catch poles, tasers, and airbags to subdue incredibly dangerous animals. No one was beating or abusing the dinosaurs, they were just going to be put in a zoo; like every other animal on earth. We can argue the merit of zoos all day, but at the end of the day these people weren't any more evil than you or I; and that's an important distinction to make. The Ingen Extraction Team's plan was to take the juvenile Rex and herbivores. Roland's trophy was the male T-Rex. Had the Ingen team went in, secured their assets, nobody would have died but without herbivores and a tranq'ed trophy, they used the T-Rex as a bailout!
When Malcolm and team A learn than Team B is capturing Dinosaurs, which for all intents and purposes they had a right to do, Nick the Dlck recommends that they bust the dinosaurs out. He even says "Hammond has back up plan: Me" and then he busts out presumably the only pair of bolt cutters they have.
Without him probably nobody would have died.
What happens when they free the dinosaurs?
All hell breaks loose, undoubtedly several people had to have been injured or even killed, and contact with the outside world has been lost. Again, without Nick van Oven and Sarah Harding none of this would happen. Sarah Harding even told everyone not to touch the dinos and yet when she got the chance she pet a baby dinosaur! Then They escalate the mess by "rescuing" the baby T-rex and bringing it to the trailer!( WHY DO SUCH A STUPID MOVES! WHY CARE ABOUT AN INJURED T-REX THAT WOULD HAVE PROBABLY TRY TO EAT THEM IF HE WAS A COUPLE OF MONTHS OLDER)!
Now, let's address the character Roland Tembo. Yes, he's a big game hunter and yes he wanted to hunt a T-Rex. At least he was hunting something that could fight back., but if Nick van Owen had minded his own damn business Eddie would have survived!
Team B saves Malcolm and Team A and allows them to tag along; even though Team A is totally responsible for everything. When they're attacked by the T-rex again that's totally Sarah Harding's fault cause she had the T-rex blood on her shirt for the whole time, she literally said T-rexes have a great sense of smell, while completely ignored the fact that she was covered in T-rex blood.
When the T-rex attack them again. Roland has it in his sights as people are fleeing... but then discovered that Nick The Dlck swapped his ammo with spent shells. So Roland is out of ammo, and he must tranquilize the T-Rex while people needlessly die in the velociraptor territory and the T-Rex is taken alive. Then the whole mess in San Diego happens, and dozens of people again needlessly died!My point is that if Roland had killed the T-Rex like he wanted to, none of that would have happened.
Oh yeah, and how did the T-Rex managed unlock the storage, eat everyone on the ship and then lock himself back again!!!????
Forget the dumb raptor excuse because there wasn't any raptors and we did not see any raptors on the ship! Where did they go? Did they magically disappeared!
When you analyze the movie, one man is guily for all the death and destruction "Nick The Dick a$$hole Van Owen!