She's BLACK!

Just SAY IT, next time, you morons. It's obvious with all the obsession over whether she was Malcolm's real daughter or not, and the talk about "politically correct". How the *beep* is it POLITICALLY CORRECT that out of 300 mainstream movies, 1 has a black kid in it? Get over it. I know a lot of you are sincerely annoyed by her, kid actors usually do that, but the level of hostility against her, coupled with the said remarks above - the obsession and the talk of PC - proves that for a lot of you, it IS *beep* race. As for her character, at least she had sense enough to know danger when it was there (remember for instance that she knew right away that taking in baby rex was a bad idea, unlike the person who was supposed to know it). Of all the STUPID things that people kept doing in this film, Kelly was the one that got to you? Wow. I'm not saying I liked her, but the racist part of this is disgusting. If you wanna be a racist, just be one and shut the *beep* up about "PC".


While I suspect a nod to PC, I think she's black primarily because one of two kids in the book, Arby, was a black boy. The other kid was a white girl. I think they amalgamated the two characters into the character of Malcom's daughter. I think the rest of her backstory was calculated, a nod to non-traditional families, or families of divorced parents, however you want to describe it.

I think what they did to Sarah's character was worse. She was a strong character in the book, confident, self-reliant, just what we'd expect in a hero (or heroine). I don't think she's portrayed as as-strong a character, in the movie.

The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.


personally i don't think she could possibly be his biological daughter. she's too dark. she has to be full black.


I googled and it seems that it's genetically possible for two white parents to have a black baby and for two black parents to have a white baby. If that's the case then it's even more likely that a black parent/white parent coupling could produce a black baby whom no one would think had a white biological parent just by looking at them.

Have people been posting that this is impossible because they don't know, or because they just don't want it to be true because of their own personal hang-ups? I'm wondering why, instead of causing just mild curiousity, Kelly's skin tone bothers so many people on this and other threads. Why is it called a case of political correctness? It's not the way Kelly looks but people's chosen response to it that's the problem.

It's 2015 and folks still get riled up about race and ethnicity instead of examining their own reactions to them. Amazing - in a really sad way.


i don't know how it could be possible for 2 white people to have a black baby. as far as my knowledge goes, 2 white people= white baby, 1 white and 1 black person= lighter black baby. i've never heard mention of something to disprove that.


Hmm, maybe if you did a little math? Black + white <> Lighter black. How about black + white = mixed, bi-racial, etc.


obviously you grossly misinterpreted what i said.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


It's this little thing called genetics. Racial features, including skin colour is not, forgive the pun, black & white - it's more a sliding scale, unlike things like eye colour which is more binary, blue vs. brown (although then you also get green, hazel and violet in the mix). The analogy is more like how two brown eyed parents can have a blue eyed children; but the reverse analogy does not hold, although two blue eyed parents cannot make a brown eyed child. Racial characteristics can lay dormant until they suddenly show up.



All it would have taken is just to toss in 1 line saying she was adopted. That's all it would take and then no one would care about any of this. The character in the script was clearly not supposed to be black, since I recall Spielberg mentioning that he just liked her audition but that they didn't change anything in the script to reflect the obvious change in race. As it is it ended up being one of those things that didn't draw a single extra dollar and mostly left viewers baffled. Instead of worrying about these characters escaping certain dino death, we're being distracted by Jeff Goldblum's black daughter.


I completely agree. It's insulting to the viewers to set up situations like this and obviously many of the other things in the movie, the most absurd of which is Kelly killing the raptor with her gymnastic routine. WTF?????

Frankly, it's also insulting to the character as she's obviously just a plot device rather than a "real" character with her own background and motivation. She's just there to make Jeff Goldblum's character look like some kind of saint of non-racism. It's disrespectful to the character of Kelly.

People shouldn't create obvious plot holes in their movie. Movies are supposed to immerse us in their world, even if it's completely different from our world, it should make sense on its own terms. If there are glaring plot holes in their world, it's like a slap in the face with a wet fish and you never really take the movie seriously after that. I like how someone else described it on this site - if the lead character were Danny Glover and Dakota Fanning was presented as his daughter, people would be scratching their heads. That's not racism, it's just not how life works according to the understanding of the overwhelming majority of real people.


Look here Missy, the fact that of the all the plot holes the movie has including the premise of the movie itself the one that bothers you by far the most (and it's not even part of the actual plot) is that Jeff Goldblum's daughter is black says far more about you than anything about the movie.

You can rest easy though as I'm quite confident that no matter where life takes you and whatever twists and turns fate delivers you you'll always be able to tell black from white.


Adoptive families are not saints. They are people who have a burning desire to love and parent a child regardless of reproductive ability or feel that they don't need to contribute genetically to form a family. Do you know how many children in the US alone do not have a 'forever family'? How many grow up 'in the system' - a progression of foster homes, group homes, institutions and possibly some time with their biological parents or extended family? There are people who feel the need to help children in this situation. In my case it was selfish: I felt compelled to be a Mom; my husband and I felt compelled to be parents, we were just unable to 'make our own'. So we went through adoption. We wanted children; period. We did not feel a need to 'hide our reproductive deficiency'. When asked about the kind of children we were looking for, our response was 'human'. Really, THIS is a question they ask. They asked if we could be more specific, we told them that five fingers and five toes would be nice but were not required. In other words, we were open minded. We have decent health care, so that was not necessarily a consideration. There are no guarantees as to health or intellect when one 'makes a baby'; we did not expect any when adopting. To be honest, spending all but the most recent year in military communities, my children and family were completely accepted. There were no double takes, rude questions, or misunderstandings (well except for one, and I'll share that sea story at the bottom of this post). It's only in the last year that my son was 'profiled' when walking into a store, my daughter has been asked what she is (she is a 50/50 mix of two very different ethnicities/races) and why she doesn't speak Spanish. This has been a heck of an experience for them - these are very patriotic American children (both were born US citizens) raised on an overseas US Base for eleven years. They know to stop immediately and 'pop to' when our Anthem is played. They've known all the words since first grade (if not earlier); they recognize, understand and appreciate the sacrifices made by our veterans. One has met at least one Medal of Honour Recipient (from WWII) and both have met a Tuskeegee Airman. Yet in their own country they are met with racism and suspicion.

As to the 'sea story': military Priests are usually on 12-18 month tours because being unmarried, they are unaccompanied. Towards the end of one of our Priests' tours, the Parish Counsel was discussing donations. I suggested the adoption agency that placed one of our children with us; the Priest questioned some of their other services, but I explained that we could 'earmark' the donation specifically for Foster/Adoption services. He asked why I was so attached to this charity and barely able to talk at that point (I thought it fairly obvious, since we were very active in the Parish and pretty much everyone could figure it out based on our family's physical characteristics). I barely croaked out that the agency was responsible for the child being part of our family and the Priest was astonished to learn that our children were adopted. When I pointed out (giggling) that my children sat on either side of him as Altar Servers every other Sunday and the 'Giant Leprechaun' and I sit in the front pew every Sunday his reply was that he didn't make assumptions about people. I'm not sure WHO the heck he thought I'd been sleeping with since our 20th Anniversary had also been celebrated with the Parish.


Totally agree huge plot hole, when I first saw this movie in the theaters I was confused why his daughter was black, EVERYONE in the theatre was like WTF????


Why?!? Families formed by adoption do not explain their family formation to people; it is not only unnecessary, it is NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!!! Do you make a habit of asking acquaintances how many times they made love, where and what time of day in order to produce their children?


Do you young people mean to tell me ya'll don't even understand what adoption is?




You are quite literally the biggest moron ever. I know racists are dumb but damn. Mixed people don't come out with a certain look. There are plenty of dark skinned mixed people who look just like her you freaking jackass.


a) Americans really need to shut the hell up about racism. It's all you dumb pricks talk about if you're shooting eachother. b) the mother was either balck or they adopted her (any of you *beep* thought about that?) c) who the hell cares? It makes no difference to the story and isn't a big deal. Spielberg should have known Americans would have had a big deal with this, because they're obsessed with race for some reason.


IKR? I knew what the OP meant, without reading the post. And it had nothing to do with racism against black people. You'd have to be a really paranoid *beep*, to think otherwise. So sick of these people, and their OBSESSION with racism. And to answer the OP's question, she was most likely dumped on Ian (wether he was the biological father, or not. They simply NEVER explained it). And the hint/joke, that was made, was referrencing to the fact that he became a father, WITHOUT his consent. Considering Kelly's mother left, to be a model, and will probably never come back.


You sound really dense. The obsession with this character is motivated by nothing more than tired old racism. The low rating is the same.

Get over yourself. Racists are obsessed with black people.



Lmao read what you just wrote. You really think you can call anyone a psycho? Thanks for the laugh.


I'm not the one having a seizure, whenever someone says the word BLACK. My reply was only expressing my utter disdain towards your hypocrisy. But I'm not surprised you can't understand that...


You don't even understand the words you're using. No one had a seizure, moron. You're the one flipping out and being hypocritical. Get a grip and stop crying because you can't handle criticism. If you don't want opinions that don't match up with yours stop crying about someone being black in an open forum, jackass.



Wow all that rage I can only imagine how fat and close to a heart attack you are irl. It's not that serious. LMAO!


LMAO, you must be looking yourself in the mirror...

